Friday, May 20, 2005

First Work In Months...

Today's Word

Grand Guignol \grahng-gheen-YAWL (the "ng" is not pronounced, but the vowel is nasalized)\ • noun : dramatic entertainment featuring the gruesome or horrible .

Today I had my first work in months.  The act of going to work in and of itself made me feel much better.  Just getting up and getting dressed, having a purpose for my day was meaningful and special.  Unfortunately, the temporary assignment got finished today.  Perhaps I'm too good at work.  Maybe I should have slacked, but thats not in my ethic.  I have to uphold my honor and public respect of the people who made this lifeline possible.  I have to bust my ass.  Just a few minutes earlier, I was given an entire week assignment on the 3-11 shift for next week.  The hours are odd, but perfectly accommodate my interview schedule.

Last night after getting out of the shower, I was drying off and I used the corner of the towel to dry my ears.  Afterwards, I went to bed and my ear drained a hell of a lot of actually was this bloody puss (sorry about that visual; not quite grand guignol and definately NOT entertainment, but gruesome enough for the medically weak at heart to appreciate).  I now have a serious and very painful ear infection.

I had to ask my best friend in the world for a favor and it is excruciatingly painful and hurts my pride.  Hurts!  Hurts ASS!  It breaks my pride into a million sharp shards.  My spirit stands here looking at the million pieces laying on the ground; each mirrorized piece, a tiny representation of Maarten and his essence.  I wonder if the reason the King's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again was because of the large number of small pieces?

Today I'm Grateful for:  The rainy drive over to AU Park this morning to do this 2-day temporary assignment. 

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post themhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Work!  Hurray!  Good for you.
Personally, I wish I had a little bit less.
This business of arriving home from work after 9 PM day after day, and particularly on a Friday, is a bit bothersome.

I congratulate you on your upcoming huge successes with the results of your interviews and new work experience.  I'm sure you'll show them what a real work ethic is all about.
