Saturday, May 21, 2005

Not A Sermon, Just A Thought!

Today's Word

Abnegate  \AB-nih-gayt\, transitive verb:   1. To refuse or deny oneself; to reject; to renounce.   2.  To  give  up  (rights,  claims,  etc.);  to  surrender; to relinquish.

Juanita and Mel

Ok, I know the circumstances are not the best, but there is reason to believe.  Believe in truth.  I truly don't believe they know what road they're travelling down or where it could possibly take them in regards to their decision to sell the house.  I suspect only 1 notice was given and to only 1 person, me!  Per statute and DCMR14, four notices would be required.  Who is the listing agent?  Have required documents been filed with the proper authorities, regulators, and agencies, specifically DCRA?  I would think, not!  If not, then is this a scheme, ploy, or plot?  An illegal distraction, process, or procedure?  Possibly.  No matter which and under NO circumstance outside of a court ruling, am I WILLING to abnegate my stake.

Truth and Belief

The aforeposted topic brings to mind another idea on truth and belief.  An idea regarding truth and belief as it concerns The Bible.  Two post tabula-rasian qualities I believe we are born with are the capability to represent truth, and the ability to believe based on logic.  In black and white, The Bible is a collection of words organized to describe, demonstrate, and account for issues, ideas, events and experiences.  Real or perceived.  Therein the "real or perceived" lie the questions.  For all accounts, intents and purposes, The Bible is at its basis, an accounting of those events as passed along by translators since the beginning of time.  Even in today's modern world, if we were to convene a group of people and tell one of the members of that group a story whereas the others weren't privy to the conversation, by the time each member of the group independently heard the story, the last person's account is most likely to be different from how the story truly was told.  Therefore, why do we hold the propensity to believe the words in The Bible and furthermore why, and on what basis do we believe it is truth?  After all, like in the situation of the aforementioned story which is an example of how hearsay is distorted, The Bible could be so distorted by translation after translation further distored by hearsay, that maybe it could be considered garbly-gook!    Now, as in the situation with Mel & Juanita, why is it that when someone is being truthful, and has no history of being untruthful, why won't people believe truth?  We tend to believe the bible that has NO fact behind it.  We tend to believe it and it easily could have NO truth.  Isn't this the along the lines of the definition of hyprocracy? Just something to make one think!


I used to watch very little television.  For a number of reasons ranging from non-interest, avoiding panic attacks, and its boring.  Nowadays, I bascially watch NONE.  I used to at least watch local and national news along with my brain-drain shows Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy!  Ever since the news was flooded and overly saturated with the images of Mary Shiavo and The Pope. I couldn't deal with it.  The images of Mary Schiavo was very distressing for me to see.  The Pope wasn't a pretty sight either lying there on a board UNembalmed in the center of a piazza, his corpse ballooning and ballooning on public display while buzzards flocked overhead.  To me, I can think of more tastefully things to view.

Today I'm Grateful for:   This will probably be an unusual gratitude item.  But, here goes; I'm grateful for the necessity to work for a temporary agency at the present time.  The benefit was made crystal clear in yesterday's assignment.  That benefit ("opportunity cost") being the freedom to enter into a workplace and "test drive" the employer to see how you like it.  I point this out because of one of the guys who was perhaps a manager at the establishment I worked at yesterday.  He was in his early to mid-twenties.  Quite handsome but very green in life andclearly wet behind the ears...maybe even just had his ass slapped by the pediatrician.  By his demeanor alone you could see his hunger for power.  To me, I don't see anything wrong or bad with someone being power hungry.  I know several power-mongers and I'm able to put that aspect aside and interact with the rest of their attributes.  However, this little guy's problem is that while he's power hungry and that's OK, he ignorant to what power truly is, AND knowledgeable of power management and application  That would be quite clear to experienced power moguls.  Unfortunately for Todd, he niggardly demonstrates his being a buffoon.  Therefore, I'm grateful to have this temporary work so that I can go in, see these ignorant people for what they are and basically say "Thanks, but no thanks" with impunitive consequences. 

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks andappreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post themhere.

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