Sunday, May 22, 2005

A New Day, Week, .... & A 2nd Interview from AP!

Today's Word

aperçu \ap-er-SOO\ • noun   1 : a brief survey or sketch : outline  *2 : an immediate impression; especially : insight .

I tried to relax this weekend, but I just couldn't, no matter how hard I tried or didn't.  I just won't be able to relax until I take that deep breath until after I've secured full-time, regular career oriented employment.  The point at which its complete, finalized, and a done deal.  The "done deal" aspect will in my mind be afterwards completion of any potential probationary period.  At 3:00PM today I begin my first week of a temporary work assignment unless that somehow changes between now (9:00AM) and then.

It would be reasonable to expect some dialogue between the two companies I interviewed with last week.  I'm sure AP wants me to return to meet the CEO, since I'll be his shadow Special Assistant provided I'm offered the job, and I accept.  Given the apercu from the headhunter and people I interviewed with at AP, I believe I'm the candidate of choice. 

Last Friday, I sent Besty my references for the position at HK.

The signed Retention/Engagement letter was sent back to Jeff and Sabrina, the attorneys in my wrongful termination civil action with RSM.

WOW, this sure comes as pleasant news.  I was invited back to AP for that 2nd interview to meet the CEO.  I wonder how it will turn out?  Any thoughts?  This would be a $95K position.

On my way to this temporary assignment this afternoon, I just got off the phone with Sandra letting me know of the next interview with AP.  My phone rings and since I didn't recognize the number, I assume its a job call and let it go to voice mail.  (Just something I do so that I'll have the opportunity to find the job ad to know what I'm speaking to the person about).  The voice mail was a caller from DA wanting to speak with me regarding an interview.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Miss Sandy, the wonder from down under! 

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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