Thursday, May 26, 2005

Walk Like An Egyptian, Dress Like A Republican!

vanward \VAN-werd\ • adjective: located in the vanguard : advanced

Tomorrow, for the interview, I'll have to pass myself off as a Republican in order to seal this interview.  So today, I've spent as much effort as I can putting together from my closet, a Republican costume!  It consists of a navy blue Valentino double-breasted pin-striped couture suit from Saks Fifth Avenue, a solid white shirt from Banana Republic (1 of only 2 white shirts I own), and finally, the ubiquitious red tie, from a street vendor costing all of $3.  I must add, the tie dons some rather cool diagonal stripes of light gray; the same color of the pin-stripes.  Now for all you who know me, I'll be wearing my hair parted and combed.  SCANDAL!!   Especially since I usually wear my hair in some spiked version.  No, sorry, I've decided NOT TO COMB-OVER --- I'M A GAY MAN.  THAT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN IN THE GAY CULTURE.  Our culture has more style and class than to grow a pony tail on the side of our head just to twirl it around our head as if it were some coming of age passage right.  Leave it to a gay man to go to Neiman Marcus and buy some flawless hat, or go to Fresh Fields (Whole Foods) and get that beautiful fruit from the produce area and make himself a Chiquita Banana headdress.

My typical outfit consists of modern progressive self-expressing styles, patterns, and vanward designs so as to accentuate traits, elements, and aspects of my personality and individuality.  A typical casual outfit would be a bold Kenneth Cole shirt, Diesel or Von Dutch Jeans, Mark Nason Shoes, and some way too cool for school belt.  My dress attire consists mostly of Giorgio Armani.

Today I'm Grateful for:  The interview with AP tomorrow morning.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Pleaseclick the link below to post them here.

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