Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Wasn't Linda Lovelace, DeepThroat?

marplot    \MAHR-plaht\ • noun: one who frustrates or ruins a plan or undertaking by meddling.

I'm up at 6:30am and preparing for this interview today.  I sure hope it goes well and works out.  I'll be in touch with Sandra today to find out how I scored in the 2nd interview on Friday.  I also heard from Elana regarding my interview with HK.  She hadn't heard anything from them at all.  This is what she said when I responded that it was odd for her not to hear something.  " It's not that odd, clients sometimes ignore me for weeks and then call to make offers - what's frustrating is that by the time they get around to doing so, often the candidate is off the market".   I'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.  For certain, once I accept a position, there'll be a multitude of interest coming out of the woodwork.  

3:00pm - I just returned home from my interview at DA.  It began at 10:00am.  I met with only 3 of the 5 people scheduled.  The remaining two were called to crisis management and I'll have to meet them on another day, probably later this week.  As far as the three I did meet, including the CEO, the interviews went very smoothly and I walked away feeling good about how I presented myself and the interaction between all us.  What basically the CEO is most concerned about is having a common link between his direct reports and himself.  It seemed his least concern that I could fulfill representation of him on delegated tasks.  During the interview, my phone vibed in my pocket.  Upon leaving, I checked the message and it was an SP recruiter who found my resume online and was calling about a similar position in NW.  I will return his call later today.

I've been invited over for dinner by Sir John, Garry and their son, Ashton.  I accepted.

Does anyone remember the 70's porn star Linda Lovelace?  Remember the film she starred in as "Deep Throat"?  Now today, we come to find that W. Mark Felt was Deep Throat too, I wonder what the connection is, if any between the nickname "Deep Throat", The Nixon administration, W. Mark Felt, Watergate, and the porn industry of the Nixon era?  I once watched a PBS documentary on Linda Lovelace, Deep Throat (the porn film), and its societal impact, implications, and inferences.  They were seemingly as complex, complicated, and intricate as was Watergate.  Oh the scandal of the 70s.  The fashions of the time were so appropriate...everything BIG so as to match "Bigger than Life"; Big Bell Bottoms, Big Marplots (as Richard M. Nixon would have characterized Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post), Big Edith Head, Karl Lagerfeld, & Christian Dior Eyewear, Big Bouffants & Pompadours, Big Dicks to Deep Throat!

Today I'm Grateful for:  The instant message Jaime sent to me this morning expressing his support and confidence in me during my interview today.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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