Sunday, May 8, 2005

Enter - Sandra

Today’s Word  

resile  \rih-ZYLE\ • verb : recoil, retract; especially : to return to a prior position


Today I spoke with Jamie regarding the position he has to fill.  I'm actually aware of that particular position and don't believe it to be one which I'm qualifed for or would be a good match.  However, the money is excellent.


Also today, I met Sandra.  She works at an employment agency which I had been scheduled to meet today regarding some work.  When I arrived at my appointment the place was empty and the person I was to meet wasn't there.  (This seems to be the story of my life)!  Enter next, a phone call from TRAK inquiring about my resume posted online.  This happened to be the first time I've received a call, or return call from TRAK since registering with them late last summer and the person working with me being fired.  At that first meeting one of the executives of TRAK made me all these grand promises and never followed through.  Not ONCE!  She NEVER returned ANY ofmy phone calls.  So I couldn't hold back, I had to resile to a less humble time in life prior to the genesis of this desperation.  Here, sitting in this employment agency, I'm on the phone letting TRAK know how unprofessional they are by doing/not doing what they promised.  I let the caller know clearly that I take pride in my work, professionalism, and committment to my work and have no room to have those not fully committed to me involved in my job search.  Therefore she can take me off her calling list or list of potential employees.  This was all overheard by the lone young lady in the employment agency.  A few minutes after the call, she comes over and introduces herself as Sandra, the agency manager.  She was so nice.  By overhearing that conversation, she already learned volumes about me.  She knew I'm not a FLOOZIE and that I take my work seriously.  She was pleasantly surprised. 


I took a battery of small and simple tests.  She had a couple ideas for leads and even spoke to Elana (another outside contact) about me.  Elana's client Holland-Knight will receive a copy of my resume.  After taking the tests, meeting just-arrived staff, and discussing possible full-time regular positions; I spoke with Arzin about temp work.  She said she'd keep me in mind and that temp assignments usually earned $11-$13/hr.  (Thats not the six-figure income I'm accustomed to, but better than nothing and will get me through until I can find a job.  Thank God I don't have much debt)


I look forward to how this will pan out.


Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: My inner-strenght.




READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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