Thursday, May 5, 2005

Job Hunt Update, Cinco de Mayo

Today’s Word  

traduce,\truh-DOOS; -DYOOS\, transitive verb: To expose to contempt or shame by means of false statements or misrepresentation; to represent as blamable; to vilify.

Today is Cinco de Mayo; a day of celebration, joy, and spirit.  It seems as though all mine has gone NORTH of the border in this particular case.  I'm really down in the dumps over this job thing.  In an email to Mel today, I mentioned how I've time after time witnessed others around me knowing lying on resumes and in interviews while always getting all these big jobs.   I can't find it in me to lie like that.  I can't do it.  However, I have been able to find the worst possible bottom of the barrel employers around town.  I can even find employers wanting me to pay them to work for them.  Well this sure isn't paying my rent and mortgage.  I'm down to the last of the barrel and I'm facing a wall.  Not knowing where to go, turn, or else.  I have no one, no family other than my brother who I support b/c of his developmental disability, no friends who are able to help me.  I don't know what to do. 

Craig's List has a ton of jobs on it, but thats where I've been able to find those employers wanting either to sell me something or me to pay them to work for them...I may need a job, but I'm NOT STUPID.

Today, Patrick sent me an email message.  It was very nice to hear from him and what he had to say in the message.  My my, Snow Pea sure is a nemisis of his.  Snow sure masters the art of Traduction!

NEWS FLASH!  Today, I learned how to turn the volume up on the radio in my Land Rover!  No need to want to replace the radio with a stronger one.

Last night's Captian D's experience bothered me today.  That incident touched my head and NOT in a good way.  Today it was a PTSD-like feeling when I sat down to eat at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Today, I'mGRATEFUL for: People ringing my phone to talk about anything.

READERS:  Yourthoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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