Monday, May 23, 2005

I Feel Honored!

Today's Word

bloviate \BLOH-vee-ayt\ • verb : to speak or write verbosely and windily.

Mike made me feel honored today.  His very nice gesture of providing a material lead for some temporary work until I find a regular, full-time professional position.   This man went more than out of his way for me.  This man barely knows me and he went to bat for me.  I'm honored.  I believe that as he gets to know me more, he'll probably reflect back on this and say he was honored as well because I don't use words loosely or proffer insincere compliments.  He'll see the genuine man I proclaim to be is just that; genuine in every respect of the word.  For all the pompous, egotistical, self-absorbed people nowadays, Mike is an example that there is proof that rare finds still exist.  We just recently met!  It was my first impression, he's much smarter, wiser, substantive, and knowledgable of life than one would assess his stunningly beautiful 26 youthful years could hold.  Now my impression is being supported by his actions.  I usually don't misread first impressions.

I'll attempt to avoid bloviating, but I believe I'm beginning to discover the meaning underlying recent events of my life.  Last night, while doing my shift at this temporary job, it occurred to me - maybe, just maybe I was spoiled during my years at PriceWaterhouseCoopers with all the tangible and intangible luxuries my employment there provided.  I do admit that I'm definately knowledgable of the overabundance of undesirable employers out there.  I've been lucky, or NOT to have run into the multitude of them in the past 24 months. Underneath it all, I now understand just how priviledged I was, and still am.  Events occurred are merely change, a metamorphisis required to move forward to the next stage or phase of life. Experience and education in preparation for the next challenge, issue, or event.  I've always held the philosophy to embrace everything coming my way, good, bad, and indifferent with openarms as these things are the basic necessity to make a man be more of a man than before.  I welcome that, I look forward to it, but I will admit, its scary at times.  Reflecting back nearly 25 years ago,  I was on that Greyhound bus from Bristol, VA headed to Washington, facing my new frontier -A NEW LIFE, one very DIFFERENT from the way I knew it before boarding.  It was then I set aside my fear and proceded full speed ahead.  It served me well then; and will still do that, provided I still believe it.  I still do. JFK, was correct in saying "all we have to fear is fear itself".  But one thing that will never change in life is the fact that Everything Changes"  I just have to change (metamorphasize) as well to the extent I keep in place my ethics, values, mores, canons, and beliefs.

A book I recently read is:

First Impressions, What You Don't Know About How Others See You by Ann Demarais, Ph.D. and Valerie White, Ph.D.

Today I'm Grateful for:  My ability to understand the underlying meaning of recent life events.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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