Sunday, May 22, 2005


Today's Word

presage  \PRES-ij\, noun:   1. An indication or warning of a future event; an omen.   2. A feeling or intuition of what the future holds.   3. Prophetic significance.   4. [Archaic] A prediction; a prognostication.

\PRES-ij; prih-SAYJ\ transitive verb:   1. To indicate or warn of beforehand; to foreshadow.   2. To have a presentiment of.   3. To predict; to foretell.

\PRES-ij; prih-SAYJ\ intransitive verb:   To make or utter a prediction.

I've tried all weekend to call Sandy.  I missed her call this morning.  My freaking phone sometimes doesn't have reception here on Girard and therefore won't ring.  On top of that, sometimes I won't receive voice mail or text messages until hours, and on some occasions days after they were left.  I call Cingular, and they tell me they're taking down the towers and replacing them with new ones.  The way in which they are going about this to my best understanding is; taking down the old towers and then putting up the new ones.  Wouldn't it make better sense to erect the new towers, then test them to make sure they're working properly AND THEN bring down the OLD ones from AT&T Wireless?  In defense of AT&T Wireless, I must say this, they sure treated me like they appreciated my business.  According to Cingular in publicizing the Cingular/AT&T Wireless merger, "Service will be better"!  When? When I switch to another provider? ANNOYING! What a presage!

Today I'm Grateful for:  Flutie, and his being so nice to me.  He has this uncanny sense of awareness and understanding.  He went out of his way to try to help me relax this weekend.  He's a good man.  However I feel guilty that I didn't drive him home.  My head just couldn't let go to unwind.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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