Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Mtg w/ Atty re: RSM

Today's Word

ameliorate \uh-MEEL-yuh-rayt\, transitive verb: To make better; to improve.

I sure hope RSM gets the picture that I won't be stepped on and I will be a strong man standing up for myself.  I know right from wrong and won't allow anyone to mistreat me or disrepect the man I am.  RSM included!  Hopefully the lesson they will learn from my strength will ameliorate working conditions for all the employees there.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Friends, the ones falling under my new clearer definition.  The definition excluding the ones hanging around on those bright sunny days.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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