Thursday, May 5, 2005

Back to DC Today, LAND FOR SALE, Job Hunt Update, Etc....

Today’s Word  

claque,\KLACK\, noun: 1. A group hired to applaud at a performance.  2. A group of fawning admirers.


Today,I'll be driving back to DC for a few days and to do some job hunting.  I just arrived back from Bristol and the drive was quite enjoyable, especially since I learned how to raise the volume on the radio on my Land Rover.  I was able to jam out to my favorite counrty music.  Country music is mostly the only thing on the radio between DC and Bristol.  Good thing I like it.  There is that Roanoke, VA station which you have to be tweaked out on speed to enjoy.  The music is so high energy and mega nails across a chalkboard trance/dance mix stuff.  I can deal with that but in its right place.  To me that place IS NOT my car while travelling up/down I-81 with all those aggressive truckers on that road, combined with the distracted drivers of cars, vans, motorcycles, etc.   Just about every time, today included, there is a truck accident on that highway somewhere. Its so over crowded that the last place you need to be distracted is on I-81.  That highway can be a death sentence for the ones NOT paying attention.


I stopped in Harrisonburg,VA to gas-up. WOW, it was only $2.059/gal.  The last gas I purchased in DC was $2.709/gal for premium BP.  I love BP fuels.  Its great for my car.  After gassing up, I stopped at KFC for some lunch since I hadn't eaten breakfast before leaving Bristol. That KFC in Harrisonburg, VA as so fucking filthy dirty.  I couldn't eat inside.  I had to get my food for take-away.   I complained to the manager and all she did was offer an apology.  An apology is fine and accepted,b ut as I told her, I'd much prefer to come into a clean presentable restaurant next time over recieving an apology for it being dirty.  The customers in line behind and in front of me cheered me as though they were my claque.  Eventhough they weren't and they didnt know me from Adam's house cat.  LOL  I was able to eat the sides but couldn't eat the chicken.  I had too much dirty food preparation/eating place in my head.  I got grossed out.  Just about as bad as I do with my "Big Meat" neurosis.


I heard from my realtor today regarding 1.9 acres of land I have for sale.  This guy wants to make an offer on it for less than 1/2 what it is worth.  If I can't find a job in the next few days I suppose I'll have to take it and in essence be giving it away.  The guy who made the offer owns the adjoining property and will benefit MORE than the $17,000.00 I was asking for it.  He'll have road frontage that he never had before.  Do any of you readers want to purchase 1.9 acres of BEAUTIFUL WESTERN VIEW to build a house or set a mobile home/camper on.  Its located near the World Famous Carter Fold in Southwest Virginia.  This guy offered less than 1/2 my asking price. I wish he would have at least offered $10,000.00.  That way I'd at least feel it was more reasonable and NOT unfair.  Maybe someone else this weekend will make an offer too.  If so, my prayers would be answered.  This property isn't just for me, its also for my disabled brother Jeff who needs the money for services and healthcare too.  If ANY OF YOU READERS WANT TO BUY THIS PROPERTY PLEASE LET ME KNOW NOW! by email or phone.  Most of you have my phone number.  This is a link to the property when I advertised it on eBay a few weeks ago. It got over 1600 views but no bid. I dont know why NOT!  Here's the link.eBay item 4365268739 (Ends Apr-12-05 14:09:26 PDT) - House or Mobile Home Site


I also got a couple contacts about work.  Two of them were again those BOGUS employer's wanting me to work on strictly commission and no pay until I build up a clientele base.  Well thats all good except right now I can't afford to do that.  So I respectfully declined their interests.  I got one email about two regular full-time positions that have salary ranges of $65,000.00 - $75,000.00.  Both of those I'd definately be qualified for and will pursue them.

Today, I'mGRATEFUL for: For the people I know keeping in contact with me.  It really means a lot to me to know that I'm on other people's minds.  Makes me feel special.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my very much younger days, I was given the gift of being fired from my job of three months.  That job was making KFC chicken.  Though I didn't appreciate it at the time, the manager who realized that I wasn't cut out for the fast food business did me a favor that I can never repay.  

Having seen the mechanics of KFC preparation, I can tell you that even in a CLEAN KFC, the "process" offers too many chances for problems to arise.  My term there was a 3-month horror show about questionable food preparation.  I can assure you that since then, I never have, and never will eat that stuff.
