Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Job Hunt Update: Human Resources (HR) Weenies

Today’s Word  

glower \GLOW-er  ("OW" as in cow), verb:  To look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger.

What in the world makes someone deliberately pursue a career in HR?  Based on my value system, morals, and ethics; performing the duties and responsibilities of a Human Resources professional is unquestionably contradictory; even oxymoronic!  In my mind, most of these people occupy the bottom rung of the "human food chain", in essence the "bottom feeders".  Simply by the nature of the position in and of itself, it requires duplicity, covertness, and dishonesty.  What kind of person can be proud of those qualities, traits, and characteristics?  NOT ME!  What kind of person can, in good faith and without conscinable reprise be proud of what they do if they work in Human Resources?  I COULDN'T!  Isn't it realistic to believe that we all as human beings, have an accountable responsibility to mankind, human kind?  If so, then how can someone conscientiously go into that kind of work if they are truly committed to the values of mankind?  THEY CAN'T!  Those of you who know me that work in HR will probably glower at me upon reading this post.  But hopefully you'd not be suprised at my perspective and paradigm on this.  After all, you're supposed to "know" me.  I will point out however, that most of you HR people who know me are so preoccupied in refining your duplicity skills that most have truly underestimated the essence of who I am and what I stand for; resulting in a startling and self-inflicted blindsidedness from your own understimaton of the man I am.

A Captain D's Dining Experience:    I'm appalled at what I just experienced here in Bristol, TN while having dinner at the local Captain D's.  I went in, ordered my food, and about 2/3 through my meal, the television wasshowing people being fatally injured.  This is the most disgusting and egregious thing I've ever heard of, much less witnessed.  I barely made it out the door before puking in the parking lot.  I told a man who appeared to be a manager there about this and he said there aren't any other channels.  I recommended to him to turn it off.  He seemed to not be too moved by the incident.  Just writing about it here, turns my stomach.   http://www.captainds.com

Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: .The sound of traffic.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.



May 3, 2005:  Job Hunt Update & Why I Don't Go To Bars


Today’s Word  

labile, \LAY-byl\, 1. Open to change; apt or likely to change; adaptable. 2.  Constantly  or  readily  undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown; unstable.



Why I Don't Go To Bars!

Well, I've never met anyone of substance or worthy of my recollection of them in a bar.  While I'm a considerably labile individual, I'm such a straightforward, forthright, and secure person that I won't participate in all that bar fandango!  I find it boring and nothing more than a waste of time.  At my age I don't want to waste it.  I want to use it wisely and with maximum return on investment.


I've been able to establish myself to the point where I don't need to primp, preen, and polish myself just for a bar.  That's the way I am all the time.  Primped, Preened, Polished, and POISED to the hilt.  Therefore, I can go after my prey at a higher(or lower as you may see it) level.  One where I don't concern myself with acceptance.


Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: ._________________________.


READERS:  Yourthoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The addition of the Word of the Day to your daily comments is great.  Its as if each day there's a little treasure hunt.  
I feel so proud!

By the way, I loved the Kayak palindrome.