Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday 13, May 2005

Today's Word

wayworn  \WAY-worn\, adjective:   Wearied by traveling.

My life seems like Friday the 13th everyday now.  Nothing seems to be going in the right direction!  In all respects; emotionally, mentally, physically, and otherwise, I'm excessively wayworn from this road of life I've been travelling lately.

Next Wednesday, I was supposed to settle on this property with the buyer.  This was the light at the end of the tunnel.  Yesterday, the settlement attorney's office called me introducing themselves and to inquire about a "public record" on file with the VA Department of Taxation.  The lady indicated her discovery of an outstanding judgment for unpaid income taxes from 1992 totallying nearly $9000.00.  This was a huge surprise to me as I know without doubt that I've paid all my income tax to VA for the tax year 1992.  The only problem is; where is my documentation.  I have absolutely NO CLUE!  I know I keep all records for 7 years as required by most law.  However, that 7 year rule doesn't mean I'm NOT required to be accountable for documents older than that.   I suppose I've lost them, destroyed them, or something else.  I simply cannot figure out where they could be.  I even called Bank of America and went there in person to see if I could get copies of bank statements during 1993 and I couldn't.  I know how to resolve this situation, but it is a very very long drawn out process which usually takes 18-24 months.  That won't help my immediate situation.  The VA Dept. of Taxation will not show any lenity accommodating my current situation. 

Today I'm Grateful for:  The VA Department of Taxation.  Weird, eh?  Yeah, perhaps the higher powers show that this isn't the time for that real estate transaction to happen.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

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