Saturday, May 7, 2005

A Job Lead AND an Employment Attorney All To Boot

Today’s Word  

frisson,\free-SOHN\, noun:   A  moment  of  intense  excitement;  a  shudder;  an emotional thrill.


That title of this post in and of itself is enough to be a frisson to me.  Especially when they''re in the same building as Fontheim and only 1 floor down.  Pretty interesting, eh.   I caught up with Jim and Dan today and we hung out and shot the breeze.   I think I'm glad to have met them.  They are very friendly, warm, and welcome me into their home so warmly.  Both Dan and Jim are very nice to me and I appreciate them for that.  Its always good to meet good people.


Today, I'mGRATEFUL for: The contacts that I received regarding work.  They come from out of the clear blue.  I sure hope they materialize. 


READERS:  Yourthoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An instant message from another AOL Member to me.

Jusepedi [9:46 PM]:  you have the most amazing ly cosmopolitan ...welll.. whatever.
Jusepedi [9:47 PM]:  Forgive me but I read French yet don't speak it well enought to .. sound as bright as I do in English.

Jusepedi [9:54 PM]:  Your inner most thoughts have both intrigued and amused me. For the past five years been writing a novel.. no not yet published as seems to be the Question..but one which deals with the stream of thought. Thank you for giving me yours.. and Such a bright stream..difficult dont you think?Being a smidgen brighter than the rest ..especially in a place where bright is so important as Washington DC?