Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I Thought I'd Heard It All.....

tog \TAHG\ • verb : to dress especially in fine clothing

But, just when you think thats the case, you're proven wrong.  I heard back today from AP regarding the two interviews.  They think in "too polished" for their CEO.  She also said that their CEO was a simple type guy, a "good 'ol guy".  What does that supposed to mean?  Was being togged in a $1,700 Valentino suit it?  CAN ANYONE SHED SOME LIGHT ON THIS FOR ME?

I've always been under the impression that in an interview, you're to put your best foot forward; to do everything in your power to represent a paragon of your profession.  I believe I did just that. I believe most would concur.  I didnt sensationalize, exaggerate, lie, deceive, nor engage in any trumpery.  I was me, 100% me and nothing more or less. 

Someone mentioned that perhaps they are saying "I'm too gay"!  Could this really be what it means?  If so, then I'm better off not to be working with that CEO. 

Today I'm Grateful for:  Last Spring and my insightfulness and incivness in shaking loose those who I mischaracterized as friends.  Now would not be a good time to have those people around.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Wasn't Linda Lovelace, DeepThroat?

marplot    \MAHR-plaht\ • noun: one who frustrates or ruins a plan or undertaking by meddling.

I'm up at 6:30am and preparing for this interview today.  I sure hope it goes well and works out.  I'll be in touch with Sandra today to find out how I scored in the 2nd interview on Friday.  I also heard from Elana regarding my interview with HK.  She hadn't heard anything from them at all.  This is what she said when I responded that it was odd for her not to hear something.  " It's not that odd, clients sometimes ignore me for weeks and then call to make offers - what's frustrating is that by the time they get around to doing so, often the candidate is off the market".   I'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.  For certain, once I accept a position, there'll be a multitude of interest coming out of the woodwork.  

3:00pm - I just returned home from my interview at DA.  It began at 10:00am.  I met with only 3 of the 5 people scheduled.  The remaining two were called to crisis management and I'll have to meet them on another day, probably later this week.  As far as the three I did meet, including the CEO, the interviews went very smoothly and I walked away feeling good about how I presented myself and the interaction between all us.  What basically the CEO is most concerned about is having a common link between his direct reports and himself.  It seemed his least concern that I could fulfill representation of him on delegated tasks.  During the interview, my phone vibed in my pocket.  Upon leaving, I checked the message and it was an SP recruiter who found my resume online and was calling about a similar position in NW.  I will return his call later today.

I've been invited over for dinner by Sir John, Garry and their son, Ashton.  I accepted.

Does anyone remember the 70's porn star Linda Lovelace?  Remember the film she starred in as "Deep Throat"?  Now today, we come to find that W. Mark Felt was Deep Throat too, I wonder what the connection is, if any between the nickname "Deep Throat", The Nixon administration, W. Mark Felt, Watergate, and the porn industry of the Nixon era?  I once watched a PBS documentary on Linda Lovelace, Deep Throat (the porn film), and its societal impact, implications, and inferences.  They were seemingly as complex, complicated, and intricate as was Watergate.  Oh the scandal of the 70s.  The fashions of the time were so appropriate...everything BIG so as to match "Bigger than Life"; Big Bell Bottoms, Big Marplots (as Richard M. Nixon would have characterized Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post), Big Edith Head, Karl Lagerfeld, & Christian Dior Eyewear, Big Bouffants & Pompadours, Big Dicks to Deep Throat!

Today I'm Grateful for:  The instant message Jaime sent to me this morning expressing his support and confidence in me during my interview today.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day 2005

Hoise   \HOYZ\ • verb : lift, raise; especially : to raise into position by or as if by means of tackle.

This sure is a beautiful Memorial Day Holiday.   Tomorrow I have the interview at DA.  It sure will be an interesting one.  It is scheduled to last from 10:00am until 2:30pm.  This is the first interview too.  I wonder what it will include that will take so long?  Anyhooo......I'll just have to make it through it as I need a job, last month.

My weekend has been OK, nothing exciting, nothing memorial to this point.  I did run into Ryan yesterday.  It was nice to see him.  He's got 2 new tattoos and they're cool.  He has a very very intricate one over most of his back.  I find men with tattoos, piercings, and avant-garde features to be exciting, interesting, and rather eye-catching.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Sir John, his friendship and what they both mean to me.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Homesick For Bristol

Quote: Let people talk about you because you tried and failed, not because you failed to try!

trumpery  \TRUM-puh-ree\ • noun  1 : worthless nonsense  *2 : trivial or useless articles : junk.

("Trumpery" derives from the Middle English "trompery" and ultimately from the Middle French "tromper," meaning "to deceive." (You can see the meaning of this root reflected in the French phrase "trompe l'oeil"—literally, "deceives the eye"—which in English refers to a style of painting with photographically realistic detail.) "Trumpery" first appeared in English in the mid-15th century with the meanings "deceit or fraud" (a sense that is now obsolete) and "worthless nonsense." Less than 100 years later, it was being applied to cluttering material objects of little or no value. The verb phrase "trump up" means "to concoct with the intent to deceive," but there is most likely no etymological connection between this phrase and "trumpery."

I miss being at my home in Bristol.  I'm homesick for it I suppose.  I'm amazed at myself for making such a statement.  I miss H.R.M Queen Halena Slopoflopolopolous.  I love her so much.  I miss her immensely.  I can't be away from her much longer.  I can't let her down.  She'll soon go to be with mother and Toonie.  It is only a matter of time. I want to make the most of her remaining time with me.  I owe her all my love.  Its a debt I'll never be able to pay in full.  She's my world.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Jeff, and his medical need requiring H.R.M. Queen H. Slopoflopolopolous' companionship.  She's in good hands with him, but yet they're not mine!

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.


saturnine   \SAT-uhr-nyn\, adjective:  1. Born under or being under the astrological influence of the planet Saturn.  2. Gloomy or sullen in disposition.  3. Having a sardonic or bitter aspect.

Oftentimes I ask people about their ethnicity.  I'm an over curious person about peoples roots and heritage.  I find it a very interesting element of a person. I've always been someone who is all about exotic people.  I can remember back to when I was just a boy and seeing my first Asian person, a little girl.  I seen her while I was with my mother at the DMV in Bristol, VA.  I remember saying to my mother, she sure was pretty, how is her skin and eyes different.  Mother replied; "its because she's from another part of the world where people look like her and not like us".  I remember it like it was yesterday.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Text.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Pleaseclick the link below to post them here.

Friday, May 27, 2005

My Washington, DC Flat; 2/3 Isn't Bad But, 3/3 Is BEST!

sylph  \SILF\ noun 1 : an elemental being in the theory of Paracelsus that inhabits air.  2 : a slender graceful woman or girl. 

I had the interview this morning at 11.  Sandra asked me to call her at 5pm to see what feedback she had from Michelle whom I interviewed with .  It was my misunderstanding today's interview was to meet the CEO, that'll actually happen on the next interview.  Today's interview was to narrow the field down to three candidates to forward to the CEO.  Sandra thinks I'll be one of the three.

Arzin called me this morning before the interview to let me know that Mike's company is postponing my temp assignment for 1 week and is to begin the week of June 6.  This doesn't do much to help me bring in a little bit of money for a week, but does facilitate the interview on Tuesday with DA.  I didn't want to tell Mike I'd not be able to begin until Wednesday.  But it worked itself out, I suppose.  On the other hand, Arzin said she'd have me a temp assignment for Tuesday, but theres NONE and now she calls and tells me to call her on Tuesday, meaning nothing until Wednesday.

As Paracelsus changed the world of medicine, I wish he'd be able to change my luck.  I feel as though I'm a lone sylph undecipherable as to being, image, existence, or idea.

Today I'm Grateful for:  To be alive.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Pleaseclick the link below to post them here.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Walk Like An Egyptian, Dress Like A Republican!

vanward \VAN-werd\ • adjective: located in the vanguard : advanced

Tomorrow, for the interview, I'll have to pass myself off as a Republican in order to seal this interview.  So today, I've spent as much effort as I can putting together from my closet, a Republican costume!  It consists of a navy blue Valentino double-breasted pin-striped couture suit from Saks Fifth Avenue, a solid white shirt from Banana Republic (1 of only 2 white shirts I own), and finally, the ubiquitious red tie, from a street vendor costing all of $3.  I must add, the tie dons some rather cool diagonal stripes of light gray; the same color of the pin-stripes.  Now for all you who know me, I'll be wearing my hair parted and combed.  SCANDAL!!   Especially since I usually wear my hair in some spiked version.  No, sorry, I've decided NOT TO COMB-OVER --- I'M A GAY MAN.  THAT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN IN THE GAY CULTURE.  Our culture has more style and class than to grow a pony tail on the side of our head just to twirl it around our head as if it were some coming of age passage right.  Leave it to a gay man to go to Neiman Marcus and buy some flawless hat, or go to Fresh Fields (Whole Foods) and get that beautiful fruit from the produce area and make himself a Chiquita Banana headdress.

My typical outfit consists of modern progressive self-expressing styles, patterns, and vanward designs so as to accentuate traits, elements, and aspects of my personality and individuality.  A typical casual outfit would be a bold Kenneth Cole shirt, Diesel or Von Dutch Jeans, Mark Nason Shoes, and some way too cool for school belt.  My dress attire consists mostly of Giorgio Armani.

Today I'm Grateful for:  The interview with AP tomorrow morning.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Pleaseclick the link below to post them here.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Live Like I Were Dying! Another Interview

Today's Word

sophomoric  \sahf-MOR-ik\ • adjective *1 : conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature  2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a sophomore

Today while driving I was listening to WMZQ and heard Tim McGraw's "Live Like You Were Dying"; I can't count the number of times I've heard that song and immediately switched stations.  For some odd reason today, I listened to the song.  Amazingly, that song describes my approach to living life.  I just do it!  I enjoy!  While on this side, if there's something we want to do, that will improve the quality of our lives, then just do it.  Don't spend time dreaming, talking, or developing courage.  Just do it.  Live like you were dying!   You"ll be happy you did.

Death:  An ominous reminder of our own mortality, it challenges us to celebrate life, to experience the present as though we were taking our last breath.

Next Tuesday, May 31, I have an interview with DA.  Damn, this interview is expected to last for 4-5 hours.  I'll be DEAD by the end of that one.  Its interesting that SnowPea used to work for this company.  She used to claim that I treated her sophmorically.  I proffer she doesn't even know the meaning of the word.  If providing her in excess of $200,000.00 in monetary and opportunity instruments, then I'm sure she didn't TRULY object to any sophmoric manners I may or may NOT have.  

Today I'm Grateful for:  _________________

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Monday, May 23, 2005

I Feel Honored!

Today's Word

bloviate \BLOH-vee-ayt\ • verb : to speak or write verbosely and windily.

Mike made me feel honored today.  His very nice gesture of providing a material lead for some temporary work until I find a regular, full-time professional position.   This man went more than out of his way for me.  This man barely knows me and he went to bat for me.  I'm honored.  I believe that as he gets to know me more, he'll probably reflect back on this and say he was honored as well because I don't use words loosely or proffer insincere compliments.  He'll see the genuine man I proclaim to be is just that; genuine in every respect of the word.  For all the pompous, egotistical, self-absorbed people nowadays, Mike is an example that there is proof that rare finds still exist.  We just recently met!  It was my first impression, he's much smarter, wiser, substantive, and knowledgable of life than one would assess his stunningly beautiful 26 youthful years could hold.  Now my impression is being supported by his actions.  I usually don't misread first impressions.

I'll attempt to avoid bloviating, but I believe I'm beginning to discover the meaning underlying recent events of my life.  Last night, while doing my shift at this temporary job, it occurred to me - maybe, just maybe I was spoiled during my years at PriceWaterhouseCoopers with all the tangible and intangible luxuries my employment there provided.  I do admit that I'm definately knowledgable of the overabundance of undesirable employers out there.  I've been lucky, or NOT to have run into the multitude of them in the past 24 months. Underneath it all, I now understand just how priviledged I was, and still am.  Events occurred are merely change, a metamorphisis required to move forward to the next stage or phase of life. Experience and education in preparation for the next challenge, issue, or event.  I've always held the philosophy to embrace everything coming my way, good, bad, and indifferent with openarms as these things are the basic necessity to make a man be more of a man than before.  I welcome that, I look forward to it, but I will admit, its scary at times.  Reflecting back nearly 25 years ago,  I was on that Greyhound bus from Bristol, VA headed to Washington, facing my new frontier -A NEW LIFE, one very DIFFERENT from the way I knew it before boarding.  It was then I set aside my fear and proceded full speed ahead.  It served me well then; and will still do that, provided I still believe it.  I still do. JFK, was correct in saying "all we have to fear is fear itself".  But one thing that will never change in life is the fact that Everything Changes"  I just have to change (metamorphasize) as well to the extent I keep in place my ethics, values, mores, canons, and beliefs.

A book I recently read is:

First Impressions, What You Don't Know About How Others See You by Ann Demarais, Ph.D. and Valerie White, Ph.D.

Today I'm Grateful for:  My ability to understand the underlying meaning of recent life events.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

A New Day, Week, .... & A 2nd Interview from AP!

Today's Word

aperçu \ap-er-SOO\ • noun   1 : a brief survey or sketch : outline  *2 : an immediate impression; especially : insight .

I tried to relax this weekend, but I just couldn't, no matter how hard I tried or didn't.  I just won't be able to relax until I take that deep breath until after I've secured full-time, regular career oriented employment.  The point at which its complete, finalized, and a done deal.  The "done deal" aspect will in my mind be afterwards completion of any potential probationary period.  At 3:00PM today I begin my first week of a temporary work assignment unless that somehow changes between now (9:00AM) and then.

It would be reasonable to expect some dialogue between the two companies I interviewed with last week.  I'm sure AP wants me to return to meet the CEO, since I'll be his shadow Special Assistant provided I'm offered the job, and I accept.  Given the apercu from the headhunter and people I interviewed with at AP, I believe I'm the candidate of choice. 

Last Friday, I sent Besty my references for the position at HK.

The signed Retention/Engagement letter was sent back to Jeff and Sabrina, the attorneys in my wrongful termination civil action with RSM.

WOW, this sure comes as pleasant news.  I was invited back to AP for that 2nd interview to meet the CEO.  I wonder how it will turn out?  Any thoughts?  This would be a $95K position.

On my way to this temporary assignment this afternoon, I just got off the phone with Sandra letting me know of the next interview with AP.  My phone rings and since I didn't recognize the number, I assume its a job call and let it go to voice mail.  (Just something I do so that I'll have the opportunity to find the job ad to know what I'm speaking to the person about).  The voice mail was a caller from DA wanting to speak with me regarding an interview.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Miss Sandy, the wonder from down under! 

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.


Today's Word

presage  \PRES-ij\, noun:   1. An indication or warning of a future event; an omen.   2. A feeling or intuition of what the future holds.   3. Prophetic significance.   4. [Archaic] A prediction; a prognostication.

\PRES-ij; prih-SAYJ\ transitive verb:   1. To indicate or warn of beforehand; to foreshadow.   2. To have a presentiment of.   3. To predict; to foretell.

\PRES-ij; prih-SAYJ\ intransitive verb:   To make or utter a prediction.

I've tried all weekend to call Sandy.  I missed her call this morning.  My freaking phone sometimes doesn't have reception here on Girard and therefore won't ring.  On top of that, sometimes I won't receive voice mail or text messages until hours, and on some occasions days after they were left.  I call Cingular, and they tell me they're taking down the towers and replacing them with new ones.  The way in which they are going about this to my best understanding is; taking down the old towers and then putting up the new ones.  Wouldn't it make better sense to erect the new towers, then test them to make sure they're working properly AND THEN bring down the OLD ones from AT&T Wireless?  In defense of AT&T Wireless, I must say this, they sure treated me like they appreciated my business.  According to Cingular in publicizing the Cingular/AT&T Wireless merger, "Service will be better"!  When? When I switch to another provider? ANNOYING! What a presage!

Today I'm Grateful for:  Flutie, and his being so nice to me.  He has this uncanny sense of awareness and understanding.  He went out of his way to try to help me relax this weekend.  He's a good man.  However I feel guilty that I didn't drive him home.  My head just couldn't let go to unwind.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Not A Sermon, Just A Thought!

Today's Word

Abnegate  \AB-nih-gayt\, transitive verb:   1. To refuse or deny oneself; to reject; to renounce.   2.  To  give  up  (rights,  claims,  etc.);  to  surrender; to relinquish.

Juanita and Mel

Ok, I know the circumstances are not the best, but there is reason to believe.  Believe in truth.  I truly don't believe they know what road they're travelling down or where it could possibly take them in regards to their decision to sell the house.  I suspect only 1 notice was given and to only 1 person, me!  Per statute and DCMR14, four notices would be required.  Who is the listing agent?  Have required documents been filed with the proper authorities, regulators, and agencies, specifically DCRA?  I would think, not!  If not, then is this a scheme, ploy, or plot?  An illegal distraction, process, or procedure?  Possibly.  No matter which and under NO circumstance outside of a court ruling, am I WILLING to abnegate my stake.

Truth and Belief

The aforeposted topic brings to mind another idea on truth and belief.  An idea regarding truth and belief as it concerns The Bible.  Two post tabula-rasian qualities I believe we are born with are the capability to represent truth, and the ability to believe based on logic.  In black and white, The Bible is a collection of words organized to describe, demonstrate, and account for issues, ideas, events and experiences.  Real or perceived.  Therein the "real or perceived" lie the questions.  For all accounts, intents and purposes, The Bible is at its basis, an accounting of those events as passed along by translators since the beginning of time.  Even in today's modern world, if we were to convene a group of people and tell one of the members of that group a story whereas the others weren't privy to the conversation, by the time each member of the group independently heard the story, the last person's account is most likely to be different from how the story truly was told.  Therefore, why do we hold the propensity to believe the words in The Bible and furthermore why, and on what basis do we believe it is truth?  After all, like in the situation of the aforementioned story which is an example of how hearsay is distorted, The Bible could be so distorted by translation after translation further distored by hearsay, that maybe it could be considered garbly-gook!    Now, as in the situation with Mel & Juanita, why is it that when someone is being truthful, and has no history of being untruthful, why won't people believe truth?  We tend to believe the bible that has NO fact behind it.  We tend to believe it and it easily could have NO truth.  Isn't this the along the lines of the definition of hyprocracy? Just something to make one think!


I used to watch very little television.  For a number of reasons ranging from non-interest, avoiding panic attacks, and its boring.  Nowadays, I bascially watch NONE.  I used to at least watch local and national news along with my brain-drain shows Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy!  Ever since the news was flooded and overly saturated with the images of Mary Shiavo and The Pope. I couldn't deal with it.  The images of Mary Schiavo was very distressing for me to see.  The Pope wasn't a pretty sight either lying there on a board UNembalmed in the center of a piazza, his corpse ballooning and ballooning on public display while buzzards flocked overhead.  To me, I can think of more tastefully things to view.

Today I'm Grateful for:   This will probably be an unusual gratitude item.  But, here goes; I'm grateful for the necessity to work for a temporary agency at the present time.  The benefit was made crystal clear in yesterday's assignment.  That benefit ("opportunity cost") being the freedom to enter into a workplace and "test drive" the employer to see how you like it.  I point this out because of one of the guys who was perhaps a manager at the establishment I worked at yesterday.  He was in his early to mid-twenties.  Quite handsome but very green in life andclearly wet behind the ears...maybe even just had his ass slapped by the pediatrician.  By his demeanor alone you could see his hunger for power.  To me, I don't see anything wrong or bad with someone being power hungry.  I know several power-mongers and I'm able to put that aspect aside and interact with the rest of their attributes.  However, this little guy's problem is that while he's power hungry and that's OK, he ignorant to what power truly is, AND knowledgeable of power management and application  That would be quite clear to experienced power moguls.  Unfortunately for Todd, he niggardly demonstrates his being a buffoon.  Therefore, I'm grateful to have this temporary work so that I can go in, see these ignorant people for what they are and basically say "Thanks, but no thanks" with impunitive consequences. 

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks andappreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post themhere.

Friday, May 20, 2005

First Work In Months...

Today's Word

Grand Guignol \grahng-gheen-YAWL (the "ng" is not pronounced, but the vowel is nasalized)\ • noun : dramatic entertainment featuring the gruesome or horrible .

Today I had my first work in months.  The act of going to work in and of itself made me feel much better.  Just getting up and getting dressed, having a purpose for my day was meaningful and special.  Unfortunately, the temporary assignment got finished today.  Perhaps I'm too good at work.  Maybe I should have slacked, but thats not in my ethic.  I have to uphold my honor and public respect of the people who made this lifeline possible.  I have to bust my ass.  Just a few minutes earlier, I was given an entire week assignment on the 3-11 shift for next week.  The hours are odd, but perfectly accommodate my interview schedule.

Last night after getting out of the shower, I was drying off and I used the corner of the towel to dry my ears.  Afterwards, I went to bed and my ear drained a hell of a lot of water.....it actually was this bloody puss (sorry about that visual; not quite grand guignol and definately NOT entertainment, but gruesome enough for the medically weak at heart to appreciate).  I now have a serious and very painful ear infection.

I had to ask my best friend in the world for a favor and it is excruciatingly painful and hurts my pride.  Hurts!  Hurts ASS!  It breaks my pride into a million sharp shards.  My spirit stands here looking at the million pieces laying on the ground; each mirrorized piece, a tiny representation of Maarten and his essence.  I wonder if the reason the King's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again was because of the large number of small pieces?

Today I'm Grateful for:  The rainy drive over to AU Park this morning to do this 2-day temporary assignment. 

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post themhere.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Interview Feedback from HK & AP

Today's Word

ablution \uh-BLOO-shun\, noun:   1.  The act of washing or cleansing; specifically, the washing of the body, or some part of it (as in a religious rite).   2. The water used in cleansing.

The feedback I received from both of the interviews yesterday was very very positive.  If I understand correctly, they both are interested in making an offer to me.  Of the two positions, I liked the least the one at AP, but solely because I'd be working for an office full of Republicans.  That'd be something like oil and water together for me.  However, the position at HK, would be my choice of the two.  However, only problem is; one of the women I interviewed with and who I'd report directly knows my old boss WR President, Jonathan.  She knows him from her days in the Clinton/Gore White House.  Her first question about WR on my resume was "How was it working with Jonathan"?    I don't think this would be the best job for me to accept since eventually she may learn of the terms and conditions on which I left WR.  That being my successful civil litigation against WR for wrongful dismissal and refusing duly qualified employee benefits stemming from their demand of me to convene an "all staff" meeting to disclose my HIV status and the gist of my health situation.  I refused to do it and therefore was subsequently terminated.  I hope that these few positive events in the last day or so are an indication of abolution of this negative energy in my soul and spirit.  I sure want, need, and can use a good cleansing.  The sooner the better.

Today I'm Grateful for:  The temporary work I begin tomorrow.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The First Interviews in Weeks

Today's Word

untoward   \uhn-TORD\, adjective:   1. Not favorable or fortunate; adverse.   2. Improper; unseemly.   3. Hard to guide, work with, or control; unruly.

The interviews:

I think the AP interview went reasonably well.  I'm not overly excited about it, but only because I'd be working in an office full of Republicans.  But that's not too bad.  It could be rednecks, racists, elitists....but then again doesn't that pretty much make up the Republican party?  LOL  Oh well, I won't look at it as an untoward quality of "doing what I have to do".

The HK interview went well.  But Beth knows WR Pres. Jonathan from her days in the Clinton/Gore White House.  I knew she'd know him when I read her bio.  This makes me nervous.  Jonathan is connected to anyone who is anybody around the world.  I mean the people you read about in global newspapers..  Everyone from paupers to Royalty.

Today I'm Grateful for:  For these two interviews and having the health to go to them.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Job Update

Today's Word

indolent   \IN-duh-luhnt\, adjective:   1.   Avoiding  labor  and  exertion;  habitually  idle;  lazy; inactive.   2. Conducive to or encouraging laziness or inactivity.   3. Causing little or no pain.   4. Slow to heal, develop, or grow.

Today, I met with Jeff and Sabrina.  They are the attorneys handling the matter of my dimissal from RSM in February while being hospitalized and immediately following my request for benefit coverage.  It seems as though it can be easily resolved, but there's no guarantees either way.

Sandra has me on the list for some work this weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).  I have two interviews tomorrow.  One with HK and one with AP. Thank you Sandra and Elana. 

I suppose that some who read these posting here lately, might think a lot of this is my fault solely.  Yes, I accept responsiblility and accountability for the parts that are mine, but frankly it is a result of circumstance for the most part.  I have not been indolent or slacking in any way.  Nor have I allowed extra-cirricular activities to supercede priorities.  I've strictly kept priorities in order.

Today I'm Grateful for:  The interviews tomorrow.  Additionally, I'm grateful for having Jaime as my friend.  He truly cares.  That means the world to me.  That delicious Chinese lunch he brought by today was so thoughtful, kind, and sweet.  Just like him.  His partner sure is a lucky man!

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Monday, May 16, 2005

I Feel Desperate

Today's Word

cronyism \KROH-nee-iz-um\ • noun : partiality to cronies especially as evidenced in the appointment of political hangers-on to office without regard to their qualifications

Today was Monday; another day without work and I just simply DO NOT know what to do, where to turn, who to talk to, when this situation will change.  Today begins another work week and I have none.  My money is running out.  I don't have much left and I don't have any more time to spare.  I'm reaching hopeless fast.  I find myself in a deep depression and scared.  I know its only going to spiral into a worse situation as the the depression gets worse, and my health begins to deterioriate.  I feel I've already reached helpless since no one knows everything!  I wish I only had cronyism being my worst worries.  That'd be really nice.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow was a brilliant psychologist who developed a framework of human potential. He categorized various levels of need which drive a human being. When a lower and more pressing need has been satisfied the human feels their motivation shift to a new need at a higher level until the ultimate state of self-actualization is reached.

Maslow's idea is applicable not only to individual people but to social groups too. Small organizations and groups of friends or teammates, couples, companies, schools and whole societies move up the hierarchy. This section outlines the theory and the need levels and discusses some of the implications.

Survival Needs:The raw basics of survival. Without these nothing else matters. Food, water shelter. The caveman needs.

Security Needs:Safety from danger, safety in numbers. This covers everything from having a big club with you in your cave, to having a parent look out for you, to having a system of law and order in society.


Belonging Needs Affiliation as part of a group with which you identify. A family, a social group, some likeminded peers. The need not to be an outcast.


Love Needs This is part of the need to belong and doesn't necessarily mean love in the romantic sense. Love for ones family and friends applies too. It is the need to have people to care deeply for and to feel cared for in return. Freud dealt with the survival, security and belonging needs as manifested in the human psyche.


Self-Esteem Needs The need to achieve a level of competence or status that one feels is useful and deserving of respect in society. Adler's psychology of power and inferiority complexes deals with the specific nature and manifestations of this need.

The next few needs are higher still and are often parallel to each other in a person or society. Which is dominant seems more determined by individual aptitude and skill.

Self-Expression Needs The need to control and create within ones environment. Freedom to express individuality that will not collide with the needs for belonging and esteem. An artists may feel this particularly.

Intellectual Needs A higher need. The need for people to pursue intellectual avenues and probe the reaches of human understanding. A gifted person will feel this very strongly and may actually experience mental illness if this need isn't satisfied.


Spiritual Needs Connecting with a greater power or God or the development of a consistent and nourishing philosophy is a psychological need. One needs a reason to live.


Self-Actualization This is the highest attainment according to Maslow and is the state where a person is achieving all they want and is able to fulfill their true potential unhindered by society or circumstance.

Today I'm Grateful for:  My friend Jaime, sending me an Instant Message on AOL which I missed.  In that message he says;  "Hello Martin, I hope all is well".

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Mother, Please Help!

Today's Word

extempore  \ik-STEM-puh-ree\, adverb:   Without  premeditation  or  preparation;  on  the  spur of the moment.  adjective:   Done or performed extempore.

Inside my soul. I'm at the saddest point in my life, ever!  I feel lost.  Lost in the world.  I feel as though its midnight and I've reached a dead end road in life with nowhere to turn with no map.  I can't seem to figure out what I did wrong, where I made a mistake which would have such a significant adverse impact on my life.!  To the best of my knowledge or recollection, I've not acted carelessly, wrecklessly, haphazardly, or extemporily.  I do know I innocently and lovingly mistook Jerome for being someone who was loving and kind to me, when now with the power of that crystal vision I mentioned in an earlier post, I believe in actuality he wanted to be "kind and loving" but was unable because his craving of materialism, elitist image, and his propensity for pathological lying superceded his heart.  I'm profoundly moved by this situation.  I don't know what will be next and that single thing frightens me immensely. 

Last night I went to Club Washington and its the last place I need to go/do RIGHT NOW!  I'm just so lonely and alone.  I need to be around people.  People to talk to.  People who'll make me feel better.  People who I'll get a sense of support from.  Everyone there is very nice to me.  Occasionally, whomever is on duty, will grant extension in time and that too, is something I don't need right now either. 

I suppose if my brother weren't a factor in this equation (this life situation), I'd maybe not be as worried as I am.  He, however has a severe mental illness, and I'm his caretaker and I can't get to a point where I can't take care of him.  Taking care of him requires me to be fully functional in ALL ways, including health, welfare, and financially.  He is unable to work and never has been in his entire life.   

Today I'm Grateful for:  The lessons I'm learning from this current situation.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANTTO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Maybe I'll Finally Meet An "Online Friend"

Today's Word

lenity  \LEN-uh-tee\, noun:   The state or quality of being lenient; mildness; gentleness of  treatment; leniency.

Today, Adam will be coming to town to visit his mom for about a week.  Adam is someone whom I've been communicating with online for several months.  We've never met, but hopefully will get to finally today.

I just checked my eBay account and its suspended because I've not been able to pay the fees due.  Therefore, I wont be able to sell any of the stuff that I don't need/use to raise some extra money to get me through until I find a job.  This fee is from the real estate listing I purchased to give greater exposure to some real estate I have for sale, which now CAN'T be sold.  This piece of real estate was something I always kept aside for "hard times", like now!

We are having terrible storms here in Washington this evening.  Adam called earlier and indicated he missed his morning flight from Miami and will not be arriving until 7:30pm.  The storms have delayed his flight and he has to be in WV to meet his mom by morning. We won't be able to meet each other until another time.  :-(

Surprisingly, I used today's word in yesterday's post.

Today I'm Grateful for:  What I'm grateful for today.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the linkdirectly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday 13, May 2005

Today's Word

wayworn  \WAY-worn\, adjective:   Wearied by traveling.

My life seems like Friday the 13th everyday now.  Nothing seems to be going in the right direction!  In all respects; emotionally, mentally, physically, and otherwise, I'm excessively wayworn from this road of life I've been travelling lately.

Next Wednesday, I was supposed to settle on this property with the buyer.  This was the light at the end of the tunnel.  Yesterday, the settlement attorney's office called me introducing themselves and to inquire about a "public record" on file with the VA Department of Taxation.  The lady indicated her discovery of an outstanding judgment for unpaid income taxes from 1992 totallying nearly $9000.00.  This was a huge surprise to me as I know without doubt that I've paid all my income tax to VA for the tax year 1992.  The only problem is; where is my documentation.  I have absolutely NO CLUE!  I know I keep all records for 7 years as required by most law.  However, that 7 year rule doesn't mean I'm NOT required to be accountable for documents older than that.   I suppose I've lost them, destroyed them, or something else.  I simply cannot figure out where they could be.  I even called Bank of America and went there in person to see if I could get copies of bank statements during 1993 and I couldn't.  I know how to resolve this situation, but it is a very very long drawn out process which usually takes 18-24 months.  That won't help my immediate situation.  The VA Dept. of Taxation will not show any lenity accommodating my current situation. 

Today I'm Grateful for:  The VA Department of Taxation.  Weird, eh?  Yeah, perhaps the higher powers show that this isn't the time for that real estate transaction to happen.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Facing Reality With Sir John (Still A Best Friend)

Today's Word

trammel \TRAM-ul\ Audio iconnoun  1 : a net for catching birds or fish  2 : something impeding activity, progress, or freedom : restraint—usually used in plural.

Today I had the first honestly raw conversation I've ever had with Sir John.  I'd pretty much resolved the fact that Sir John had not truly cared anymore about me.  We talked briefly on the phone this morning and he wanted me to meet him for coffee.  I couldn't because my mind was heavy with emotion surrounding my current situation and I also didn't want to spend $3 on a cup of coffee from STARBUCKS.  I sure could enjoy that cup of coffee though.  Instead, I asked him to come over to my place in the afternoon.

We talked about this situation I'm presently in and how its trammel-like qualities affect my quality of life, emotions, health, and more; just as if I were an exotic bird in a remote tropical jungle.  We also talked about what was on our minds about many issues, mostly those surrounding our "friendship" over the years.  Issues which to me, since the event involving his partner Gary and his reaction to my outreach to him around the holidays last year in support of Toonie's illness.  This conversation was so open, raw, and truthful that if you could invision it, one might consider it something maybe a butcher might see in doing his work.  This conversation was so intensely emotional that I trembled, shook, and had involuntary muscular reactions.

I had to have this conversation with him because I'm an honest man and have to exercise fairness.  I want him to know how I've been feeling about him, Gary, and the route our friendship has taken over the past year or so.  I also wanted to tell him how much pain I'm in from believing he let me down when I needed him most.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Tim and Denise

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do,particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Mtg w/ Atty re: RSM

Today's Word

ameliorate \uh-MEEL-yuh-rayt\, transitive verb: To make better; to improve.

I sure hope RSM gets the picture that I won't be stepped on and I will be a strong man standing up for myself.  I know right from wrong and won't allow anyone to mistreat me or disrepect the man I am.  RSM included!  Hopefully the lesson they will learn from my strength will ameliorate working conditions for all the employees there.

Today I'm Grateful for:  Friends, the ones falling under my new clearer definition.  The definition excluding the ones hanging around on those bright sunny days.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Monday, May 9, 2005

Discussion of My Spirituality

Today’s Word  

campanologist   \kam-puh-NAH-luh-jist\ Audio iconnoun : one that practices or is skilled in the art of bell ringing.

This entry is reserved for ideas of my spirituality. The posting will be available soon.


Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: .




READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments aboutthis posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Enter - Sandra

Today’s Word  

resile  \rih-ZYLE\ • verb : recoil, retract; especially : to return to a prior position


Today I spoke with Jamie regarding the position he has to fill.  I'm actually aware of that particular position and don't believe it to be one which I'm qualifed for or would be a good match.  However, the money is excellent.


Also today, I met Sandra.  She works at an employment agency which I had been scheduled to meet today regarding some work.  When I arrived at my appointment the place was empty and the person I was to meet wasn't there.  (This seems to be the story of my life)!  Enter next, a phone call from TRAK inquiring about my resume posted online.  This happened to be the first time I've received a call, or return call from TRAK since registering with them late last summer and the person working with me being fired.  At that first meeting one of the executives of TRAK made me all these grand promises and never followed through.  Not ONCE!  She NEVER returned ANY ofmy phone calls.  So I couldn't hold back, I had to resile to a less humble time in life prior to the genesis of this desperation.  Here, sitting in this employment agency, I'm on the phone letting TRAK know how unprofessional they are by doing/not doing what they promised.  I let the caller know clearly that I take pride in my work, professionalism, and committment to my work and have no room to have those not fully committed to me involved in my job search.  Therefore she can take me off her calling list or list of potential employees.  This was all overheard by the lone young lady in the employment agency.  A few minutes after the call, she comes over and introduces herself as Sandra, the agency manager.  She was so nice.  By overhearing that conversation, she already learned volumes about me.  She knew I'm not a FLOOZIE and that I take my work seriously.  She was pleasantly surprised. 


I took a battery of small and simple tests.  She had a couple ideas for leads and even spoke to Elana (another outside contact) about me.  Elana's client Holland-Knight will receive a copy of my resume.  After taking the tests, meeting just-arrived staff, and discussing possible full-time regular positions; I spoke with Arzin about temp work.  She said she'd keep me in mind and that temp assignments usually earned $11-$13/hr.  (Thats not the six-figure income I'm accustomed to, but better than nothing and will get me through until I can find a job.  Thank God I don't have much debt)


I look forward to how this will pan out.


Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: My inner-strenght.




READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Happy Mother's Day

Today’s Word  

cosset,\ KOSS-it\, transitive verb:   To  treat  as  a  pet;  to treat with excessive endulgence; to pamper.



Irene L. Childers-Dixon, December 10, 1933 - October 1, 1998.


This Mother's Day is a very special Mother's Day to me.  Its the first time I've ever written about my mother.  What makes this even more speical and unique is that my mother died October 1, 1998 afterwards a routine heart valve replacement surgery.  During the procedure a piece of plaque was supposedly to have broken away from her heart and lodged in an artery or vein in her brain causing her to enter into a coma.  She was in a state of coma for several days and per her request prior to this procedure, she told me that if she were ever in such a situation, that if it were POSSIBLE that she'd recover and have a reasonably normal life and lifestyle to leave her on life support.  However, if it weren't PROBABLE that she'd recover and have a reasonably normal life and lifestyle then she wanted the life support removed.  I suppose I should step back here and add that prior to this medical procedure, she had an extraordinarly active lifestyle.  The evening she was hospitalized, that day she was mending fences around our farm.


My brother who has Schizio-Affective disorder had lived all his life nurtured by my mother.  To the point where she and I had frequent heated arguments about her "over-mothering" of him and that I believed that her love was actually causing him harm instead of good.  My basis was simply on the fact that she had protected him from the ills of the world and lessons life brings when we live out in the real world on our own.  When she passed away, this was the very issue I had to help my brother overcome.  I did this by shifting paradigms.  Not only those of mine, but those of his medical professionals, social workers, and support networks including friends.  That paradigm shift was instead of him being "Disabled", he became "Differently Abled".  A much more positive spin on his severe mental illness.


With that being on a sidenote and not intending to enter a sidebar chat about my brother, today's entry is devoted solely to my mother. 


My mother was a very simple country woman.  She had a high-school plus trade-school education.  Where she lacked in terms of formal education, she gained the equivalent education through her uncanny ability to maintain, an open mind. creativity, being non-judgmental of others, and careful and thorough analysis of events, places, ideas, and things.  She was so much wiser than anyone would have thought on first impression.  She married my father, a farmer and raised me and my brother on the farm.  She was in an abusive and very violent marriage to my father due to his alcoholism and other mental health factors he was coping wiith unacknowledged to anyone.  I would not be surprised that he didnt have a mental illness himself.  My mother was always a beautiful woman intrinsically and extrinsically.  Everyone around her honored, respected, and loved her.  She was notably kind, generous, and thoughtful of others.  The members of her community treasured her being part of it.


Pror to mother's passing, my ideas on death and dying were very conservative and admittedly, I wasn't too open-minded about theories I'd read in numerous classes on death and dying, reading publication after publication by Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross the U.S.' leading expert from UVA on the subject at the time.  I still held ultra conservative beliefs about what death is, what happens, and all the multitude of elements associated with it.  If at anytime prior to October 1, 1998 anyone would have told me I'd have the personal experiences I've had with death since mother's physical passing, I'd have bursted out in a crying laugh right in their faces.  Furthermore, I'd probably laughed at them and told them they had probably had been smoking too much of that "whacky tobacco" grown on those river banks of Mendota,VA.


My views on death and dying changed on October 20, 1998.  When my mother sat beside me at The News Cafe in South Beach.  The News Cafe was a favorite people watching spot for her when we vacationed in South Florida.  Yes. It was weird, but not in the least bit threatening.  It was actually very warm, peaceful, and it felt "RIGHT".  In hindsight we can always look back seemingly with crystal vision.  For me that crystal vision is my mother ALWAYS being beside me every step of my life since she left this world.  There have been numerous accounts.


Some in which my friends have witnessed it simoutaneously alongside me.  The most recent and most memorable event for me, was Toonie's death.  Toonie was my pet Sheltie.  His partner H.R.M. Halena Slopoflopolopolous were both considered by my mother to be her grandchildren.  They weren't just cossetted.  It was December 2004 when Toonie was entering the end of life cycle.  It was also the holidays.  Holidays alone are stressful enough, without the pending death of a loved one.  A family member.  A best friend.  During Toonie's illness, I was faced with the possibility of having to have him euthanized.  I made the direct correlation between that and having to make the decision to remove my mother's life support.  It was a flashback of trauma, fear, pain, love, anguish, and pride.  I turned to my friends for moral support.  Surprisingly, I was shocked at the reactions I received.  Basically the friends who were situated to be least able to provide support did, and those otherwise, REFUSED to help me.  One, a social worker, tersely commented "Martin, Its a dog!  What do you expect, its 14 years old" and then went on about business as normal.  This statement was so profioundly callus to me that it remained the topic of my weekly therarpy sessions even today.  However when Toonie did pass away, he was laying in bed with me 2 days before Christmas, 2004.  When we went to bed for the night, I knew he'd not make it through the night.  I fell asleep holding and loving him like he always enjoyed.  To give him a sense of love, comfort, and reassurance.  During the night I fell asleep and turned to the other side of the bed.  I was awakened by a nudge on my shoulder and my mother's voice saying, "Maarten, wake up!  I'm here for Toonie!"  I was so startled that I sprung up in the bed, looked at the clock.  It read 3:23am.  Instantly I was blanketed in this eerie easiness and peacefulness and joy that the pain I had endured from the unsupportive friends was simply MOOT!  I was instantly at such a level of ease that I just glanced over at Toonie laying on the bed, but didn't touch him but instead turned over and went back to sleep and awakened at 8:30AM that morning.  I got out of bedand walked to the other side of my bed to check on Toonie.  He was dead.  Mother had come to get her grandchild and took him to the other side with her where H.R.M. H. Slopoflopolopolous will join them in the near future.  I can see them now, darting about on those golden Utopian streets as they ran through the fields on the farm.


Today, I'mGRATEFUL for: To have the ability to be receptive to my mother's spirit.  It is with her that I will never have the need to have fear. 


READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like Ido, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here

Saturday, May 7, 2005

A Job Lead AND an Employment Attorney All To Boot

Today’s Word  

frisson,\free-SOHN\, noun:   A  moment  of  intense  excitement;  a  shudder;  an emotional thrill.


That title of this post in and of itself is enough to be a frisson to me.  Especially when they''re in the same building as Fontheim and only 1 floor down.  Pretty interesting, eh.   I caught up with Jim and Dan today and we hung out and shot the breeze.   I think I'm glad to have met them.  They are very friendly, warm, and welcome me into their home so warmly.  Both Dan and Jim are very nice to me and I appreciate them for that.  Its always good to meet good people.


Today, I'mGRATEFUL for: The contacts that I received regarding work.  They come from out of the clear blue.  I sure hope they materialize. 


READERS:  Yourthoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here

Thursday, May 5, 2005

Back to DC Today, LAND FOR SALE, Job Hunt Update, Etc....

Today’s Word  

claque,\KLACK\, noun: 1. A group hired to applaud at a performance.  2. A group of fawning admirers.


Today,I'll be driving back to DC for a few days and to do some job hunting.  I just arrived back from Bristol and the drive was quite enjoyable, especially since I learned how to raise the volume on the radio on my Land Rover.  I was able to jam out to my favorite counrty music.  Country music is mostly the only thing on the radio between DC and Bristol.  Good thing I like it.  There is that Roanoke, VA station which you have to be tweaked out on speed to enjoy.  The music is so high energy and mega nails across a chalkboard trance/dance mix stuff.  I can deal with that but in its right place.  To me that place IS NOT my car while travelling up/down I-81 with all those aggressive truckers on that road, combined with the distracted drivers of cars, vans, motorcycles, etc.   Just about every time, today included, there is a truck accident on that highway somewhere. Its so over crowded that the last place you need to be distracted is on I-81.  That highway can be a death sentence for the ones NOT paying attention.


I stopped in Harrisonburg,VA to gas-up. WOW, it was only $2.059/gal.  The last gas I purchased in DC was $2.709/gal for premium BP.  I love BP fuels.  Its great for my car.  After gassing up, I stopped at KFC for some lunch since I hadn't eaten breakfast before leaving Bristol. That KFC in Harrisonburg, VA as so fucking filthy dirty.  I couldn't eat inside.  I had to get my food for take-away.   I complained to the manager and all she did was offer an apology.  An apology is fine and accepted,b ut as I told her, I'd much prefer to come into a clean presentable restaurant next time over recieving an apology for it being dirty.  The customers in line behind and in front of me cheered me as though they were my claque.  Eventhough they weren't and they didnt know me from Adam's house cat.  LOL  I was able to eat the sides but couldn't eat the chicken.  I had too much dirty food preparation/eating place in my head.  I got grossed out.  Just about as bad as I do with my "Big Meat" neurosis.


I heard from my realtor today regarding 1.9 acres of land I have for sale.  This guy wants to make an offer on it for less than 1/2 what it is worth.  If I can't find a job in the next few days I suppose I'll have to take it and in essence be giving it away.  The guy who made the offer owns the adjoining property and will benefit MORE than the $17,000.00 I was asking for it.  He'll have road frontage that he never had before.  Do any of you readers want to purchase 1.9 acres of BEAUTIFUL WESTERN VIEW to build a house or set a mobile home/camper on.  Its located near the World Famous Carter Fold in Southwest Virginia.  This guy offered less than 1/2 my asking price. I wish he would have at least offered $10,000.00.  That way I'd at least feel it was more reasonable and NOT unfair.  Maybe someone else this weekend will make an offer too.  If so, my prayers would be answered.  This property isn't just for me, its also for my disabled brother Jeff who needs the money for services and healthcare too.  If ANY OF YOU READERS WANT TO BUY THIS PROPERTY PLEASE LET ME KNOW NOW! by email or phone.  Most of you have my phone number.  This is a link to the property when I advertised it on eBay a few weeks ago. It got over 1600 views but no bid. I dont know why NOT!  Here's the link.eBay item 4365268739 (Ends Apr-12-05 14:09:26 PDT) - House or Mobile Home Site


I also got a couple contacts about work.  Two of them were again those BOGUS employer's wanting me to work on strictly commission and no pay until I build up a clientele base.  Well thats all good except right now I can't afford to do that.  So I respectfully declined their interests.  I got one email about two regular full-time positions that have salary ranges of $65,000.00 - $75,000.00.  Both of those I'd definately be qualified for and will pursue them.

Today, I'mGRATEFUL for: For the people I know keeping in contact with me.  It really means a lot to me to know that I'm on other people's minds.  Makes me feel special.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Job Hunt Update, Cinco de Mayo

Today’s Word  

traduce,\truh-DOOS; -DYOOS\, transitive verb: To expose to contempt or shame by means of false statements or misrepresentation; to represent as blamable; to vilify.

Today is Cinco de Mayo; a day of celebration, joy, and spirit.  It seems as though all mine has gone NORTH of the border in this particular case.  I'm really down in the dumps over this job thing.  In an email to Mel today, I mentioned how I've time after time witnessed others around me knowing lying on resumes and in interviews while always getting all these big jobs.   I can't find it in me to lie like that.  I can't do it.  However, I have been able to find the worst possible bottom of the barrel employers around town.  I can even find employers wanting me to pay them to work for them.  Well this sure isn't paying my rent and mortgage.  I'm down to the last of the barrel and I'm facing a wall.  Not knowing where to go, turn, or else.  I have no one, no family other than my brother who I support b/c of his developmental disability, no friends who are able to help me.  I don't know what to do. 

Craig's List has a ton of jobs on it, but thats where I've been able to find those employers wanting either to sell me something or me to pay them to work for them...I may need a job, but I'm NOT STUPID.

Today, Patrick sent me an email message.  It was very nice to hear from him and what he had to say in the message.  My my, Snow Pea sure is a nemisis of his.  Snow sure masters the art of Traduction!

NEWS FLASH!  Today, I learned how to turn the volume up on the radio in my Land Rover!  No need to want to replace the radio with a stronger one.

Last night's Captian D's experience bothered me today.  That incident touched my head and NOT in a good way.  Today it was a PTSD-like feeling when I sat down to eat at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Today, I'mGRATEFUL for: People ringing my phone to talk about anything.

READERS:  Yourthoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Job Hunt Update: Human Resources (HR) Weenies

Today’s Word  

glower \GLOW-er  ("OW" as in cow), verb:  To look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger.

What in the world makes someone deliberately pursue a career in HR?  Based on my value system, morals, and ethics; performing the duties and responsibilities of a Human Resources professional is unquestionably contradictory; even oxymoronic!  In my mind, most of these people occupy the bottom rung of the "human food chain", in essence the "bottom feeders".  Simply by the nature of the position in and of itself, it requires duplicity, covertness, and dishonesty.  What kind of person can be proud of those qualities, traits, and characteristics?  NOT ME!  What kind of person can, in good faith and without conscinable reprise be proud of what they do if they work in Human Resources?  I COULDN'T!  Isn't it realistic to believe that we all as human beings, have an accountable responsibility to mankind, human kind?  If so, then how can someone conscientiously go into that kind of work if they are truly committed to the values of mankind?  THEY CAN'T!  Those of you who know me that work in HR will probably glower at me upon reading this post.  But hopefully you'd not be suprised at my perspective and paradigm on this.  After all, you're supposed to "know" me.  I will point out however, that most of you HR people who know me are so preoccupied in refining your duplicity skills that most have truly underestimated the essence of who I am and what I stand for; resulting in a startling and self-inflicted blindsidedness from your own understimaton of the man I am.

A Captain D's Dining Experience:    I'm appalled at what I just experienced here in Bristol, TN while having dinner at the local Captain D's.  I went in, ordered my food, and about 2/3 through my meal, the television wasshowing people being fatally injured.  This is the most disgusting and egregious thing I've ever heard of, much less witnessed.  I barely made it out the door before puking in the parking lot.  I told a man who appeared to be a manager there about this and he said there aren't any other channels.  I recommended to him to turn it off.  He seemed to not be too moved by the incident.  Just writing about it here, turns my stomach.   http://www.captainds.com

Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: .The sound of traffic.

READERS:  Your thoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.



May 3, 2005:  Job Hunt Update & Why I Don't Go To Bars


Today’s Word  

labile, \LAY-byl\, 1. Open to change; apt or likely to change; adaptable. 2.  Constantly  or  readily  undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown; unstable.



Why I Don't Go To Bars!

Well, I've never met anyone of substance or worthy of my recollection of them in a bar.  While I'm a considerably labile individual, I'm such a straightforward, forthright, and secure person that I won't participate in all that bar fandango!  I find it boring and nothing more than a waste of time.  At my age I don't want to waste it.  I want to use it wisely and with maximum return on investment.


I've been able to establish myself to the point where I don't need to primp, preen, and polish myself just for a bar.  That's the way I am all the time.  Primped, Preened, Polished, and POISED to the hilt.  Therefore, I can go after my prey at a higher(or lower as you may see it) level.  One where I don't concern myself with acceptance.


Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: ._________________________.


READERS:  Yourthoughts are VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO ME otherwise I'd not open my life to you like I do, particularily to those of you who have been given the link directly.  I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for your comments about this posting.  Please click the link below to post them here.