Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Yes, As A Matter of Fact, I Do Know Prince Charles (Both Of Them)

Yes, believe it or not! I have met Prince Charles Windsor a few times through my work.  While he's the former husband of the ubiquitious Princess Dianna and heir to the British crown; I have my own Prince Charles - Charlie!  Charlie a good 'ol country boy from TN who I met shortly after I purchased my house in Bristol last fall.  According to him, he and I had talked numerous times on AOL Chat.  I don't recall but I trust him on this.  While maybe deep inside yearning to do the same, he's someone who has been able to set himself apart from the custom and tradition of our lives and lifestyles of our social groups identity.  For that, I give him great applaud and commendation.  If we all could meet someone who we can find our systemic and innate values in.  I've found mine in Charlie.  He grew up very similar to me but in a different part of the southern U.S.  Our educational, economic, social, cutlural, and physical backgrounds somewhat mirror each others.  The main difference between us is education.  Not that one is better or worse than the other but to demonstrate the contrast between us, I graduated from one of the country's best International Studies Law Schools. (The American University).  This has afforded me numerous opportunities to do things I never dreamed I'd do or know about.  (Thank you mother for making me become educated).  Charlie, I believe is high school graduate and works at the nations largest retailer as a non-mananger manager.  What I see through my lenses (outside looking in) is that his life is so much more simplistic than mine.  I wrestle with this conflicting struggle daily with how to maintain simplicity in my life while reaching high-end goals and the luxuries of success.  Oh the toll it has, and is taking on my quality of life.  Maybe the two are NOT to be, but the energy it takes to attempt an unbalanceable duo is exhausting.  Too exhausting!  More often than not, Bristol as my final home is it.  Daily, I think of how I want to leave Washington and all the rat race.  Its too too taxing; the stress, the commotion, the angry bitch at the CVS, the relentless battles against each other, etc. Charlie's life to me in many aspects (online social drama excluded) is only a pipedream for me.  Something I wish I could have but don't know how to achieve.

I Arrived at the officetoday and it didnt start off on a good foot. I didn't get my Coach bag put down before I was "ordered" to "do this". OK, for all who know me; know I don't take "orders" well.  I don't like being here.  Thank you Charlie for reminding me to keep my focus and goals in sight!  My goal for this job is it being my "means to an end".  Meaning a source of income until I can get my own Bristol based business up and going.  Hopefully that'll be by Fall 2005.

Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: Charlie being my friend and this job with long hours; which upon first glance I don't like.  I will admit, that today seemed a bit easier by day's end!

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