Sunday, April 17, 2005

Things I'm Thinking Of...

....Am I getting sick again?  Here at the start of a new job.  I was terminated from my last one for being hospitalized.  This scares me.

....Maybe I'm depressed.

....I'm alone with no one to share myself with who'd truly appreciate who I am.  Chris was the last person.

....I wonder about Sir and Sandy.

....I wanted to go to Busara for dinner today to somewhat treat myself for this new job.  I didn't.

....I don't know if I like the Land Rover.

....I'm honored at what David said to me today.  I've never had someone say; "thanks for allowing me into your life".  It made me feel very special.

....I missed Vincent today.  I've missed him online now on 2 occasions.  He sure is a cutie.  We've known each other for a few years.

....Will I ever again have someone worthy to share my life with?

....I just realized this fora is a place where I can share my most intimate thoughts with myself, a person who I can trust.  I know I have people allowed to read my blog, but I could make it private.  Nah, I don't want to make it private.  I want people to know all of me.

.... I miss my beautiful home in Bristol.  I wish I were there.

Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: Harold and Vernon who've made an incredible contribution to making my life more comfortable, enjoyable, and productive.

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