Thursday, April 7, 2005

How Can I Be Sure Thats Not An Oncoming Train?/Introducing SNOW PEA WONG

Fontaime may come through with the job offer after all.  I suggested to my head hunter yesterday to present to them the option of me working for them for 1 month and then at the end of that month, we'll both reassess how much we like working with each other.  If both of us agree that a professional relationship is mutually beneficial, then we'll move forward.  Otherwise, we'll shake hands and part our ways on amicable terms.

This morning I received a phone message from one of my lead interviewers and she had indicated in that message that they were prepared to make an offer contingent upon the satisfactory completion of the 1-month trial employment.   Given the difficulty of my work references I believe this is the best way to mitigate loss and maximize gain to both parties.  So maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Who knows, it might just be an oncoming train!

Davis and I are going to Bristol this weekend.  I look forward to it.  I can't wait to let him see where I grew up and how I was raised.  He'll get to meet Jeff, Queen Halena Slopoflopolopolous too.  Even Prince Charles.  I also have a lot of Spring yard work to do around my house this weekend too.  I will need to mow the lawn for the first time this year, pick up broken tree branches, and I finally get to do to my house what I've been looking forward to for many months; since I purchased the house -- paint each of my four exterior doors their individual colors (Orange, Purple, Brilliant Blue, and Chartreuse).  I hope Davis likes my house.  But no matter what anyone thinks, I love it.  Its my home. My Castle.

April 6, 2005 - RESERVED

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