Thursday, April 21, 2005

Vincent, DMV, Fontheim, Etc...

Today, I finished day 4 at work.  Came home.  Treated myself to take-away Crabcakes from The Oceanaire ( ).  Two crabcakes ONLY = over $40 plus tax but, WELL WORTH IT!  I got home, received a phone call from my headhunter as I was putting my dinner together to celebrate my new job.  Fontheim, giving no reasoning whatsoever to me or my headhunter, doesn't want me to return to work again; ever.  I was quiet, meek, and unassuming.  I didn't chat, chatter, or engage in sidebar conversation.  I never socialized with anyone.  I just put my nose to the grindstone and did my work.  The only dialogue I'd have was about learning my new job.  Noone even indicated anything was not right with me or my work.  They all told me that is "perfect".  What has happened?  What did I do?  Not do? I'm very very sad.  I need someone's help and guidance.  Please help.  I desperately need work.

***  That Vincent..... I really like him! He's a very nice, kind, considerate, compassionate, heartful, and warm man.   Maybe BF potential; but I'm too shy to initiate it!  He probably has no interest in me to that affect anyhow!***

I have to make another attempt today to get my car registered at the DMV.  Thanks to those FUCKING REPUBICLANS (NO TYPO) and their ILK.

First order of business:  A limousine from Bistro Bis to Longworth House Office Building.

Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: That bright ray of sunshine which burst through the window blinds and Shamrock plants on the sill to strike my face and wake me this morning.

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