Friday, April 1, 2005

First True Love

It has taken me more than forty years to figure out who my first true love is up to this point. Who knows, that may change tomorrow, but for now and until it does, that person is Chris.  Chris was a beautiful man, smart, bright, articulate, passionate as most Greeks are.  He taught me a lot about myself and how I was clueless to some things while being sharp as a tack to others.  He taught me how to cook and appreciate cooking.  He taught me lots of lessons for life.  He helped me to understand the meaning of "Love" and "Sex" as they  relate to a gay male partnership.  At first I thought he'd lost interest in me and was on his way to stopping loving me.  Over the years of our relationship, and to the day, I can reflect back on that event and see that in truth he loved me more and maybe I knew I loved him at the time.  He was very insightful.  He loved me, I loved him.  He had his own forces to reckon with, but he was a true and genuine man.  Above all, that holds the highest respect of all in my eyes.  He cannot re-enter my life in a physical way.  I will not allow that to happen.


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