Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Chain of Love; Don't Let It End With You!

I think there is a country song by a similar title. That song IS NOT the basis for this post.  This post is a reflection back on a conversation earlier this morning with 2 new acquaintences Billy and Dan, whom upon first impression may become friends. 

Billy, brought to me today a Native American ring to bring me good luck, peace, happiness, success, etc from the events of recent surrounding employment.  This gesture on Billy's behalf demonstrates traits essential to friendship from my perspective.  Billy's basic care, compassion, and concern for me and my recent plight/hardship are signified by his soulfully spirited effort to think of me and assign value to me in his life.; as well as him acknowledging my personal pain and anguish.   I will hold, protect, and return the ring to Billy at either the time he requests it back or it has served me and is time to be passed to another deserving person in need of a link in the chain of love.

Dan and I had a conversation about friends.  I apprised him of my recent disappointments by "friends" at Toonie's passing away.  Dan is in his early 20's.  I wanted to share some of my wisdom with him, being his senior of more than 20 years.  I elaborated to Dan how it is important to never comprimise the definition of a friend as he understands it to be, to cherish and protect that meaning of "a friend" and shun and avoid any direct correlation with/by/through/as "an accquaintence" or "a family member".  I told him to always maintain clear and precise distinction between those 3 terms.  Lack of doing so can be excrusiatingly painful as it was with me.  I further explained to him how; through my lenses and in my paradigm that an accqaintence, can become a friend, who may as well; over time become a family member.  All having totally different places, meanings, representations, and responsibilities in the chain of life. 

Speaking of Chains, the 2 gestures above are representative of "The Chain of Love".  When someone gives a link to you, once you've used it for your need, pass it down to the next needingly deserving person.  Never let the chain end with you.  Another link  may return and if it does, connect both ends.

Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: That brisk breeze creeping through the 3 inch opening of my bedside window.  Itfeels so stimulating and smells of Spring's essence as it ever sogently passes over my unshaven face.


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