Monday, April 11, 2005

The New Job/Land Rover

I'm supposed to begin my new job tomorrow, unfortunately, being the saavy businessman I am, I'm not starting the new job without an official offer letter to document the terms and conditions of my employment.  Orit has asked to push the start date back to accommodate the attorney's delay in drafting it.  This will work for me, but I sure as heck don't want to start a new job on the 13th day of the month.  Im triskadecaphobic.

I got my new to me Land Rover today.  Im excited about it.

Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: To have the option to choose what I want to eat today.


April 10, 2005:  Drugs or Jesus by Tim McGraw

Damn, isn't Tim just "too sexy for his shirt"!  That song on his CD, "Drugs or Jesus" is a song which I can relate to in terms of "his hometown".  Bristol fits his characterization of his hometown.  Specifically is correlation to Drugs and Jesus.  It is estimated by law enforcement officials that more than 75% of the Crystal Methamphetamine supplied to the entire Southeast United States is produced in Southwest Virginia and East Tennessee.  Go Figure!  By default thanks to my legal experience and education, I'm somewhat analytical.  You know, if you think of them from the paradigm of good and bad; they both can be equally destructive and toxic.

Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: To have choice.

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