Saturday, April 16, 2005


What is wrong with me?  Where did I make a mistake where I'd be in this situation?  Why do I have such turbulent employment situations?  Why do I feel so unwanted? 

I recieved versions 1,2, and... of the offer letter from Orit, They're ALL so vague that it basically says nothing more than my salary.  I've never had, nor do I know of anyone who has received an offer letter so vaguely written, or in such an informal manner.  Darlaine understands and acknowledges, and validates most of my concerns.  Im VERY uneasy about accepting this position.  I may not even receive my wages.  I find it unusual Orit insists on working directly with me opposed to the headhunters. From personal experiences, there are several "red flags" to all this.

I just don't understand and I'm sure I won't until I'm able to see hindsight.  I think my biggest mistakes in life are my unwavering systemic value of treating people the way I want them to treat me.  I never thought of myself as being this way until I reflect back over several months and see there have been several people who know me very well who all have made the statment; "you treat others, the way you want to be treated, but take it a step further by treating others better than you want to be treated". 

Is this a personal trait that could be a double edged sword?  I need help with this.

Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: Mel & Juanita.

April 15, 2005:  The Tax Man Cometh

I'm not talking the IRS.  I'm talking the taxing toll all this stress is having on my quality of life.  I feel overwhelmed.

I heard from Candace, one of my attorneys handling the wrongful dismissal from RSM McGladrey.  She had some good strategy ideas.

Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: To be an American and freedom.

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