Sunday, April 24, 2005

Didn't I Just Have A Bad Case of Loggorrhea?

Today’s Word  

Euphonious -  Pleasing or sweet in sound; smooth sounding.


This quotation has a special meaning to me.  "One can too easily become what you are called with all the unwelcomed responsibilities that title makes you heir to."  Maya Angelou



A Link To My Loggorrheic Moment:  

Today, I'm GRATEFUL for: Having reciprocal insight  and intuition with H.R.H. Halena Slopoflopolopolous to witness, understand, and hold in respectful regard her grief and grieving process resulting from Toonie's passing last Christmas.  She knows I feel her pain and loss.  She also knows I make every effort in good faith attempting to help her feel better.  I love her!

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