Sunday, April 3, 2005

Queen Halena Slopoflopolopolous' Arrival

My mood right this moment is "WAKING UP".   I can see EXCITEMENT building as I anticipate the arrival around 4pm of Queen Halena Slopoflopolopolous!  She'll be arriving around 4pm with Jeff.  Jeff will just be a royal pain in the ass, if you know what I mean.  He expects me to wait on him hand over foot as though I were his own personal servant.

The little "private concert" I attended last night at David Gregory with Gui was cool. Gui was somewhat of a "promoter" of the singer and getting his music out and about for the world to see.  Gui isn't an entertainment promoter at all, he works at a national chain GLBT bookstore.  He's a drop dead gorgeous, 35yo Marylander now residing in The District with the most beautiful silver hair and bright eyes I've ever seen on anyone, EVER!  He's quite the looker and his personality is so sweet too. He's boyfriend material for someone, even me!  Picky Maarten.  People know me, how I've turned away many accomplished prospects only to be hooked by Snow Pea Wong.  How that happened I'll never know.  I sure hope Gui wasn't put off by me last night at my being so tired and unable to manage affairs!  But if my first impression remains fitting over the long run, then he's TAKEN!  His style is all his own, he seems to be a good man with good values, kindness, and reasonability.  Last night he'd look at me and I became captivated by that sparkle in his eyes.  Last night was a weird night for me.  I had only had 4 hours or less of sleep the night before.


April 2, 2005:  All Fools Day - A Day Late, A Dollar Short!

Shawn arrived overly fucked up and annoying.  Bouncing off the satellites was a good way of describing him.  At first he was so amusing, even to the point that I wished I knew how to operate my camcorder; I would have taped him so that he could have seen it later and he'd been able to self-deprecate first-first class style!  He was running, jumping, and dancing.  Standing in front of the window singing and talking but the words didnt fit together as cohesive sentences or ideas.  It was like singing a song with the stanza's lyrics jumbled as well as the letters of each individual word.  He was even dancing and singing in the jacuzzi tub.  Finally it got time for Vic to arrive home and in fulfilling my respectful order conducive to peaceful living for Vic, ended the amusement of Shawn.  At that point, fun turned to annoyance.  I asked Shawn to chill and lets go to sleep.  He got in bed but proceeded to crawl all over the bed, me, and then stand up in the middle of the bed and resumed the Jacuzzi performance.  Finally, I had my fill and said something I don't believe I've ever said before:  "I'm sorry.  I'm saddened that I'm unable to fulfill my personal committment and my words to you in agreeing to provide for you a shelter from the storm of your romance for the night, but you have to go!"  He left and agreed to call me to let me know he arrived wherever it was he went to, safely.  I haven't heard from him yet.

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