Friday, April 8, 2005

Thank You Orit! Thank You Davis!

For the new job.  For the ORIGINAL 1965 chartreuse couch!

WOW!  Should I begin with the job or the couch.  I'm equally excited about both.  OK, I'm just going to flip a coin and heads, the couch; tails, the job!  Damn, I dropped the coin down between the cushions on the couch!  TAILS!  Well this is probably some of the greatest news I've had in a long time.  Since the beginning of December, 2004 I've experienced an exceptionally harsh and barren winter season of life, beginning with the passing of my best friend Toonie a couple days before Christmas! 

I've certainly earned this position and more importantly I'm fully qualified for it AND lacking some elements of experience that it will provide to me.  From the moment of literally stepping foot inside the office, everything from the decor to the vogue attire of the staff to show off their equally polished and poised intellect, knowledge, and expertise.  Remember DALLAS or DYNASTY?  These people are as poised as Ewings or Carrington's.  I  believe I'll fit in quite nicely and easily.  More importantly, I'll be able to perform quite well I believe.  Therefore, I extend a great big Thank You to Orit. But I CANNOT and WILL NOT forget Darlaine, Dian, and Denise.  It is you to whom I owe the greatest debt of gratitude.

Thank you Davis for this beautiful couch.  It fits in perfectly with my 1965 house and retro furnishings.

Thank you my good friend Charlie for coming up to visit today and have dinner with Davis and me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am SO pleased to read this. I hope this job works out for you, as you are way overdue for some good luck.