Friday, April 29, 2005

Missing Viberator

Today's Word

intransigent \in-TRAN-suh-juhnt; -zuh-\, adjective: Refusing to compromise; uncompromising.

OK, Has anyone happened to have found a lonesome viberator?  RJ is missing his.  He supposedly left it in my room at Club Washington last time he was there.  I haven't seen it.  Chances are its not my size.  Here's an IM he recently sent to me in search of his viberator!

DUXXXXXREBACK [8:09 PM]:  hey martin,  did you get any of my phone messages?  i left my silver colored vibrator in your room the last time i saw you at the baths on Ost.  can you drop it off at my house sometime?


I'm glad they decided to do the right thing and pay my wages that were due and payable as of today.  I looked through the mail, and there it was.. a check from them, but no indication as to why they acted so pussilanimous.   Oh well, I've got bigger fish to fry so I can't dwell on them.  I have to look out for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have it and it fits quite nice the only thing is it needs a bigger battery.... rj baby never let a lez find you toys you never know where they arre stuck