Sunday, April 30, 2006

Cantalope Milkshakes & Gardening w/Margaret

Word of the day:  pastiche\pas-'tEsh\ noun:  1 : a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work; also : such stylistic imitation.  2 a : a musical, literary, or artistic composition made up of selections from different works.

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the great twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."  Theodore Roosevelt

Today, I helped Margaret make seedlings in her garden of Geraniums.  I also helped her plant some Coleius around the front of the house.  I enjoyed doing this. It has been awhile since I've had the chance to do much gardening.  

I've spent most all the weekend in bed since Friday evening.  I've been sick with the flu or some kind of bug.  I hope I can make it until Friday May 12.  I have an appointment with Dr. Sherwat at Georgetwon University.  I really need to get my dental health addressed as well.  On Monday, I'll make another appointment with Dr. Navabi here in Bethesda.  

WHAT A TREAT!  I hadn't had a cantalope milkshake in eons.  Margaret made one for us both tonight and it made my day!  Margaret is a very very nice woman.  I'm fortunate to have met her.  Thanks for that YUMMILICIOUS treat!

With all the rallies and marches around the U.S. today in protest of the genocide in Darfur, The Sudan my favorite country entertainers were performing on the Mall.  I wish I had felt like getting my ass out of bed this morning and headed down there to see Big Kenny Alphin and John Rich, a.k.a. Big 'n Rich!.  I'm sure they performed many of their "Coming To Your City" tunes and "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy!"

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