Tuesday, April 4, 2006

So Close, Yet SoFar Away!

Tonight, for the first time since sometime last summer, I treated myself to a Starbucks Strawberries 'n Cream Frappucino.  I really like those things.  I do wish they'd bring back the Coconut Cream one.  I noticed tonight they now have a Blackberry and Green Tea one.  That sounds interesting.  Anyhow, back to the purpose of my writing this entry tongiht.  While I was on my way home enjoying my Frappucino, I realized how tasty it is and as I got down close to the end of it, I swirled the remainder of Strawberries 'n Cream with the whipped Cream.  OMG, that was so good.  Therefore the title of my entry.. That whipped cream was so damn good.  Isn't it interesting how the part I found to be so tasty was the closest to my mouth but because I was drinking the drink with a straw, the part closest to my mouth was the LAST part I would get to taste.  Oh what a treat to end off the drink.  The creamy sweetness of that whipped cream.  YUM YUM YUM.

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