Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Walrus!

Word of the day:  belfry\BEL-free\ noun:  *1 : a bell tower; especially : one surmounting or attached to another structure.  2 : a room or framework for enclosing a bell.  3 : head.

"People will accept your ideas much more readily, if you tell them, Benjamin Franklin said it first."  David Comin 

I noticed in the post this morning how walruses are having a hard time in their habitat due to global warming. Walruses are a pretty cool animal, eh?  There's just something to love about them.  Their whiskers, the looks they have in their eyes, their world.  In some ways they remind me of Manatees (Sea Cows).  Now that would be an interesting thing.  Hypnotizing a Sea Cow.  A few days back I had an entry into my blog about hypnotizing a cow, but imagine...a hypnotized Sea Cow.... HMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

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