Saturday, April 1, 2006

April Fools Day: 80/65 NO FOOLING!

Word of the day:  lucent \Loo-CHent\ adjective: 1 : glowing with light : LUMINOUS  2 : marked by clarity or translucence.

"When you reach for the stars, you might not quite get one, but one thing for certain is that you don't come up with a handful of mud either."  Leo Burnette, Advertising exectuive

Today!  The ubiquitous day of fools.  Perhaps I'm one of those today.  It's been 20 years since I've received a moving traffic violation.  I've worked 65 hours this week.  Last night as I was driving to Bristol, I was 39 miles away and was stopped by a Virginia State Trooper and issued a citation for driving 80mph, in a 65mph zone.  Oh well.  Why couldn't it have been a hot sexy trooper instead of a short fat dumpy one!.   As I said earlier, oh well, I can't win them all.  Two down, one to go.  Maybe it'll be a good one.

That Jeff and I got into a big argument this evening.  His laziness has caused his kitchen sink to get stopped up.  More like cemented.  It'll take a few hundred dollars to fix, I'm sure.  He's so inconsiderate.    This all happened about 1 hour before I was going to mention to him that I'd be interested in taking him on a vacation somewhere this summer if he wanted to go.  I was thinking using some of my frequent flyer miles to take the two of us to Hawaii.  About 3 weeks ago, I used a photo of him and mother in Hawaii in 1994 as his computer desktop wallpaper, to kind of maybe get him thinking about it without saying something prematurely.  Now, I suppose, I'll not be bringing this topic up for maybe another month.

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