Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Somewhat Of A Sinking Feeling!

Word of the day:  stolid \fleg-MAT-ik\ adjective: 1 : having or expressing little or no sensibility.  Dumb. Stupid. 

"I've always tried to go a step past whereever people expected me to end up."  Beverly Sills, Opera singer

Most everyone who knows me, knows I have panic disorder.  When I have a panic attack it, to an extent, wipes me out for several days.  I feel tired, exhausted, depressed, anxious, and on edge.  Things that can provoke panic attacks for me are:  stress, smells, tastes, sounds, confusion, among others.

Last week at work our whole workgroup had a hell of a week with this Mississippi project and onboarding 300+ new employees.  My boss, I'm so grateful for her grace under fire, because she was a bit of calmness during all the hoop-la.  Michele on the other hand was operating all over the map and sucked me into that.  That caused me to have a panic attack on Friday evening on I-81 to Bristol.  There were cars and trucks whizzing by seemingly in a kaleideoscopic world in warp speed.  I was lucky to be within a mile of a rest stop where I was able to stop the car safely.  I ended up falling asleep and slept for 6 hours.  After that, I tried to get to Bristol as quickly as I could.  I ended up getting  a speeding ticket doing 80mph in a 65mph zone.  Yesterday, at work, I was simply exhausted.  I am as well today.  On Friday, Michele had asked me to send out a UPS package to Diane in Atlanta for Saturday delivery.  I did just that but because of the stress I was under at the time, I inadvertently put the wrong zipcode on the package and it was delayed in delivery, to yesterday (Monday) - on Diane's anniversary. I feel so bad that on her anniversary, she had to trapus to the UPS facility to pick up a package she has to take to Biloxi with her for this meeting.  I'm really sorry Diane.

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