Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wrong O Street!

Word of the day:  acceptation\ak-sep-TAY-shun\ noun:  1 : acceptance; especially : favorable reception or approval.  2 : a generally accepted meaning of a word or understanding of a concept.

"Some think its holding on that makes one strong; I agree to the extent where wisdom gained from experience has made one strong enough to let go."  Maarten Dixon 

Last night I was mentioning to DD Rick about the first time I came to Washington, DC in search of those clubs.  I had the address as O St., but me and my friend Bob Barrels were looking for the clubs on O St. NW, not SE.  O St., NW is a very upscale condensed urban financial/residential district and part of Dupont Circle.  Not a place that would be home to these clubs....BUT, there is a quite the caveat here....The Men's Party used to be held every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday nights and Sunday afternoon in a 4-story row mansion on 22nd Street, NW at O St, NW.  It was a little secret everyone had, but no one knew about until one day a tired, dizzy, nelly, tweaking queen seemed to come unscrewed and the cops showed up.  The party moved from there to this restaurant Planet Fred, (after business hours),

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