Friday, April 14, 2006

My Paycheck Keeps Shrinking

Word of the day:  lugubrious\loo-GOO-bree-us\ adjective:  *1 : mournful; especially : exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful.  2 : dismal.

"Be careful what you wish for.  Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon."  Susan Ertz, Writer 

I have to STOP walking into my boss' office.  Every time I walk in there, I see the BP station across the street.  Each time I go in her office it seems as though the price of gasoline has risen and therefore my paycheck has shrunk again!   $3.19/gallon  :-(    FUCK!  BY THE END OF THE DAY TODAY, the price rose to $3.29.9/gallon.  F  U   C   K!

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