Saturday, April 29, 2006

Gretta Garbo! Fred Astaire! She's Got ....Bette Davis Eyes!

Word of the day:  pulchritude\'p&l-kr&-"tüd\ noun:  physical beauty and appeal.

"There are spaces between our fingers so that another person's fingers can fill them in.

Pulchritude sure is the appropriate word for today.  It certainly describes Bette Davis in that photo.

Never borrow money from a friend.  It will always cause ruin to a freindship.  It did with me and my friend Sandy.  I loved her as a freind and would done anything for her. Still do.  Still would.  I can't stop thinking about how I want to make this right but I'm fiscally unable at the present time.  She don't understand.  

On the other side of that coin, never lend money to a freind expecting to get it back.  Only lend it to a friend if you can afford to never see it again.

 I recall throughout elementary and high school I had a friend who lived near me in Mendota, VA by the name of Betty Davis.  Last time I heard from her was when I was living in Auburn Village in the Del Ray community of Alexandria, VA.  (Just prior to moving to 514 Crownview Drive - Former President Ford's Alexandria, VA home during his Vice Presidency).  She had been accepted to the University of Delaware for either a Master's or Ph.D. program.  This was in the late 80s.  I'd love to hear from her. See her.  Of all my highschool classmates, she and Tim Donahue are the only ones I ever think of.

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