Thursday, March 23, 2006

Some are Still There....

Word of the day:  esculent\ESS-kyuh-lunt\ adjective: edible.

"Iwould not waste my life in friction, when it could be turned into momentum." Frances Willard, Educator

Last night I drove by the clubs in SE.  Some were still in operation, The Follies, Glorious Health, Secrets, and the Pizza place.  It seems as though Heat may be closed as is the case of Club Washington. 

I was anticipating darkness.  Chilling.  March.  Springtime darkness.  Any sign of life to be gone.  Panhandlers transplanted to the next lucrative spot.  In a way I prepared myself for that, if, it were the case.  Within that preparedness, there was somewhat of a cold chilling ache, deep in my body; a sadness that part of the Metro-Washington, DC gay community may be dead.  A death by statute, law, ....eminent domain.  In a way it was like I was going to identify a body(ies) of a family member or loved one at the scene of a crime.

I wonder what everyone is doing now that used to work at Club Washington!  I've spoken to Ron a couple times and he seems fine.  But what about David, Derek, Flutie, Edwin, and  Peter?  I've seen Peter and he looks OK, but I've not been able to talk with him.

UPDATE:  Ron left a voice mail for me on March 24 indicating the judge had issued the eviction order granting the city of Washington, DC to take possession of the property effective April 4, 2006.



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