Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Coworker Update: Fire Death Ruled A Homicide

Word of the day:  blaxploitation\blax-ploy-TAY-shun\ noun:  1 Exploitation of the black race.  Reinforcing negative  stereotypes of the black race, its community and values.

This term "blaxploitation" was used this morning in The Washington Post's article about the Oscar winning song "Hard Out Here For A Pimp" and how it reinforced negative myths and stereotypes of the black culture.

Prince George's Investigators Say Fire Death was Homicide LANDOVER HILLS, Md. (AP) - Investigators in Prince George's County say a Landover Hills woman found dead in her burning apartment was a homicide victim.  Calita Williams was found dead early Sunday in her second floor apartment in the 44-hundred block of 68th Place. Police now say she was killed beforehand and someone set the fire to cover it.  Williams, a single mother, was set to graduate this year from Bowie State University. 
Friends last saw her alive Saturday night, when she went out to celebrate her birthday.

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