Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Snowy NASCAR Weekend in Bristol

Word of the day:  intercalate\IN-ter-KA-late\ transitive verb: 1 : to insert (as a day) in a calendar.  2 : to insert between or among existing elements or layers.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."  Plato (c 427-347 B.C.)

Boy! It sure was a hell of a weekend for a NASCAR race at Bristol Motor Speedway.  I've heard my mother comment that when it was snowing and the sun was shining simultaneously, it meant "the devil was beating his wife"!  I suppose if that is true, she sure as hell got one beating to remember.  It seemed like every season of the year was thrust upon us here in Bristol this past weekend.  The weather was so mercurial.  I use that word bot literally and figuratively.  There were times when it was "bite ass" cold.  For a few minutes here and there, it was sweltering hot.

I was listenting to a brief moment of NASCAR motor sports being broadcast on WMEV, a Marion, VA radio station and overheard the commentators stating this was the first time there had ever been a NASCAR race where it become a "white-out" blizzard like condition during a race.  They had had snow before and after races, and there had been the occasions where races had been called off because of snow, but never a heavy snowfall while the race was in progress.  One commentator, spoke of fans making snowballs and throwing them into the announcer's box.

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