Monday, March 20, 2006

A Redneck Woman Should Go To Washington

OK!  I was reading about Shirley Bailey in Saltville, VA standing up to the government when they are trying to usurp what may very well be her property.  She is trying to stop the local government from making a trail on an old railroad bed abandoned for probably more than 20 years.  The local government is attempting to quash and quell her protest through a civil action which is designed to reach any and all other citizens of the town to prevent them from exercising their First Amendment rights.

I've seen photos of this 51 year old Shirley Bailey and based solely on the photos I've seen, she would classify as a "redneck woman".  I place NO value judgments and remain neutral on if thats good or bad.  

All I have to say for Shirley Bailey is YOU GO GURL!  You fight until  your breath stops.  Teach those country bumpkin litigators with blood stains on their hands that you  have rights and you will not allow them to step on your rights.  No matter what.  Sobeit, if you  have to go to Washington (the U.S. Supreme Court).  You'll be proud you did and the precedence you set for others will be eternal.  Afterall, Washington needs a "Redneck  Woman"!  Anna  Nicole Smith (blonde bimbo) has come to Washington.  So has Jessica Simpson (dizzy blonde).  Even apes, (Mr. Smith) has come to Washington.  Its arguable that the apes still here are the most sensible Washingtonians.  So what would it  hurt to have a Redneck Woman come to Washington.  I think it'd be just what  the doctor ordered and most appropriate.  Especially, if you arrive barefooted, with a baby on your hips and smoking Pall Malls.


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