Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Is This Feeling I Feel, Homesickness?

Word of the day:  scurrilious\SKUR-uh-lus\ adjective:  1 a : using or given to coarse language b : vulgar and evil.  *2 : containing obscenities, abuse, or slander.

I don'tknow exactly what it is, but there is something in deep in my soul that I'm feeling but I'm unable to identify precisely what this feeling is.  I know it has to do with the inner struggle I'm having with living in Washington, DC and wanting to reside at my beautiful home in Bristol, VA/TN.  I love my new job here in Washington, but I find myself driving to Bristol every Friday evening after work and coming back on Sunday evenings.  This, in and of itself, is taking a huge physical toll on me and my frame of mind, spirit, and happiness.  It seems as though I'm having the absolute worst luck in terms of finding favorable and affordable housing here in DC.  I DO NOT want to pay exhorbient prices for rent.  I don't want to have a large glamourous place.  I don't really want to live here in DC anymore, or at least for now.  I've not had good luck with the places I've had recently...specifically Geranium or the latest place.  They turned out like they have simply because of my rush to accept whatever was offered without careful consideration to my needs in whole.  Beginning today, I'm going to give this one more genuine good faith shot at finding a place.  The place is going to be either a rental in a private house or an efficiency apartment,  It'll have to be close to work.  Cost $800 per month or less, including  utilitites.

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