Saturday, March 25, 2006

Adult Bookmobile

Word of the day:  doggerel\DOG-uh-rul\ adjective: loosely styled and irregular in measure especially for burlesque or comic effect; also : marked by triviality or inferiority.

"Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions.  Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."  Mark Twain

I recall several weeks back, I was in Bristol for the weekend and online on AOL in the TriCities, TN M4M chat room and someone signed on who had a Winnebago for sale noted in their profile.  Given my commonly unknown propensity to take a comedic item and run with it, I did just that.  Dan, who owns the local Exotic Treasures Adult Boutique, had just inquired to me a question about his business.  To me, here was the perfect doggerel opportunity to let my comedian attributes shine.  I mentioned in the chat room: "Dan, get in touch with so and so.  He has a Winnebago for sale that we could turn into the local ADULT BOOK MOBILE.  Well, that has been the topic of laughter for several weeks now.  Last weekend, applications were being considered for shift drivers.  We had a young black man apply and a transexual.  Talk about diversity....we sure met our quota for that.  LOL.  The Adult Bookmobile tends to be fun.  Just how much FFun we won't know yet.  Maybe once we get the local ministers, preachers, mayors, city council members and ALL the other upstanding pillars (of salt) of the community involved, I'm sure the Thrill Mobile will "take America by storm".

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