Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hypnotizing Cows. Charming Snakes.

Word of the day:  redux\ree-DUKS\ adjective: brought back.

"Three things in life are important:  The first is to be kind.  The second is to be kind.  And, the third is to be kind."  Henry James, Writer

Last night, after work I went to the Cyber Stop Cafe on 17th St. in Dupont and hung out with an aqcuaintence, Rick and one of his pals.  Somehow, we got on the silly subject of "hypnotizing Cows" and "Charming Snakes".  Neither of us were under the influence of anything other than life.  Now imagine this; sitting in an internet cafe on the sidewalk in Dupont Circle, (second in gay mecca's behind "The Castro" in San Francisco) and having a conversation about hypnotizing cows and charming snakes.  It wasn't long before we had a random huge crowd gather around us engaging in the discussion.  We had a doctor from Walter Reed Army Hospital, a legal secretary, a twink, and several others of various notoriety, excluding George.  He was busy with Dick over at 1600.  This conversation seemed endless.  It all started with the difficulty one faces nowadays in performing what seemingly would be the most elementary of tasks possible; buy a bottle of Diet Coke.

When cows become hypnotized do they see "freaky jeeky speckled stars and pink butterflies"?  Do they think they live in a Jovian Shangri-la?  Do they howl at the MOOn?

Maybe Gateway Computer would be interested in a "Hypnotized Cow" as their new mascot.

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