Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Chizzeling Little Crook.....

Word of the day:  redux\ree-DUKS\ adjective: brought back.

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back."  Arthur Rubenstein, Muscian

Arthur Rubenstein's quote to me is very very true.  In a sort of way like, Karma.  What you give is what your receive.  I've found those who don't follow, understand, or comprehend this philosophy are the ones who, from my own personal experience, characterize one as "cocky", "pompus", and self-centered/absorbed -- egotistical.  In actuality, they're simply loving and, returning love to, life.

This evening on the way to the Cyberstop Cafe, I was listening to NPR as usual.  As we all are quite aware, many municipalities have a gargantuan task of collecting parking fees from diplomats.  In New York, U.N. diplomats skirt parking fees.  In Washington, they do the same thing but, have a bit more difficulty, yet make every attempt to eschew civil liabilitities by not paying simple traffic infractions.  Parking tickets, moving violations, and the likes thereof.  Under law, these diplomats can claim "diplomatic immunity from the legal and civil liability" and most often it works.  However, the funniest thing I've heard regarding this topic was today on that particular NPR broadcast in which they were describing how London, England has a "congestion fee" for ALL cars driving into the central city.  The U.S. Ambassador claims he has impunity from this fee under diplomatic immunity as he claims the fee amounts to a tax which "diplomats" are exempt, under the rules of diplomatic immunity.  However, Mayor Livingstone of London disagrees and characterized the American Ambassador to Great Britian as "chizzeling little crook".  Clearly, Mayor Livingstone has no experience in the diplomatic corp, nor has inspirations to that affect.  ROFLMAO

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