Sunday, March 5, 2006

Goodbye To The Loveshack!

Word of the day:  derogate\DAIR-uh-gayt\ verb:  *1 : to cause to seem inferior : disparage.  2 : to take away a part so as to impair : detract.  3 : to act beneath one's position or character.

I just learned from Joe this morning that The Loveshack is; no more!  I'm deeply saddened!   Now that it is closed, I will begin my book and months, if not years of research will be put to use!  I had my share of fun there,but as all good things must end.  There will be a new beginning.

To each and every one of you kind and occasionally not so kind gentlemen.  I wish you all the very best life has to offer and I hope that God blesses each and every one of you.  For it is you who have given me the power to appreciate and understand my angels.  I hope you will see, find, and allow yours to guide you through this end and into your new beginnings.

I love you all.  Maarten

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