Monday, March 20, 2006

Le Printemps. Pimps & Hos. Ninety days. Lido.

Word of the day:  lido\LEE-doh\ noun: a fashionable beach resort.

"A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark."

Aujourd 'hui est le premier jour de printemps  Aussi, Aujourd 'hui, est le premier jour qui suit ma période de stage de Quatre-vingt-dix jours à mon nouveau travail.  J'écrirai un courriel qui dit à Randee Fowler merci.

For a number of reasons, I'm not too impressed with today's word being lido.  I'm not much of a "beach person" nor would I be typically attracted to a lido.  However, I do wonder if the Venetian island, Lido has any fashionable beach resort associations in its history.  This will be something I'm going to research to learn more about.  If I recall correctly, I beleive the Venetian island Lido, is known for its production of Lace.

Brooklyn, NY Based "Beastie Boys" seem to hold a popular sentiment about Dolly Parton's recent defeat at the Oscar awards. It is reported that The Beastie Boys think she was "robbed" by the Oscars when her Oscar nominated song lost to a song about Pimps and Hos. Personally, I think this win has had a rippling effect which has transversed the borders of all races, cultures, ethnicities, and artists. It appears as though, from what I've read in The Washington Post, that a large number of members from the black community are unsettled with a song glorifying, jubilating, and reinforcing negative stereotypes of black culture not only is nominated for but subsequently wins an Oscar for best song.


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