Sunday, March 19, 2006


Word of the day:  adversary\AD-ver-sair-ee\ noun: one that contends with, opposes, or resists : enemy.

My acquaintence/friend, Ron sure is a good man.  He's always been good to me.  He's lifted my spirits when I was down, been a protector and comforter,  made me consider the alternatives of issues, and helped me to accept my shortcomings. 

A few minutes ago Ron returned my phone message from earlier today as I  was driving back to Washington, DC from Bristol.  He informs me that Michael is becoming serious.  I'm very happy for Ron.  I hope Michael decorates his life and paints his love all over Ron's heart.  Ron deserves love.  He gives love when there's no more to give and most importantly, he gives love unconditionally.  Ron, you know I think you're simply beautiful, but your beauty is not just skin deep; your beauty is to the bone. 

Iwish I had someone to decorate my life.  I'm so fatigued from rearranging this furniture of life by myself.  Maybe one of these days, I'll be able to afford a personal decorator.  LOL

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