Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Another Example Of My Great Boss.

Word of the day:  pernicious\per-NISH-us\ adjective: highly injurious or destructivedeadly.

"Don't cry because it's over -- smile because it happened.

If I were rich, I'd drive one, or both of those two cars above.

My boss today continued to demonstrate what a "down to earth" woman she truly is and how she will roll up her sleeves and delve into the bottomless pit of hard work alongside her employees.  Today's example was how she joined all the staff of our group into a file room which has been the dumping ground of files for several years.  The room really looked like the corporate paper  dump.  Here's my boss, who is a bourgie Jewish woman from Long Island who earns nearly $1 Million per year and there she was sitting in the floor of this paper dump cleaning it up right alongside all  us other employees.  Impressive, eh?

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