Sunday, March 26, 2006

I Lost My "CASHED" Paycheck....Somewhere

Word of the day:  vulcanize\VUL-kuh-nyze\ verb: to treat rubber or rubberlike material chemically to give useful properties (as elasticity or strength).

"It's never too late to be who you might have been."  George Eliot, Writer

Today, I feel a lot of inner pain and sadness.  My life is beautiful but I would love for it to be time for me to be with mother.  I'm sad because I can't seem to get things like I believe they should be.  I make a very nice salary and have only nominal bills.  I'm always broke and I don't know where my money goes. 

Last payperiod I lost my entire paycheck, somewhere.  I don't know how or where.  It wasn't for party favors/supplies/ or any form of hogwash and waste.  It was over $2,600.00.  That was my bi-weekly take home pay.  My debts include $1,400.00/mortgage, $300.00/car, and $300.00/utilities,misc.  Where is my money going?

Jeff, my brother is so inconsiderate of me.  Completely disregards my health and welfare over himself.  I'm only an ATM to him.  A source of cash!  Why can't my brother treat me better?  Especially when he's been continually told over and over and over again and again; and, professes to understand my situation.  If that is truly the case, then he doesn't care what happens to me long as he gets CASH!

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