Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Prince William, Future King of England & The Victorian Rental

Word of the day:  sagacity\sa-gay-city\ adjective  1 obsolete : keen in sense perception.  2 a : of keen and farsighted penetration and judgmentsagacious judge of character.  b : caused by or indicating acute discernment:  sagacious purchase of stock.

What a "cute" article in today's Post...  A letter from a 20 year old Russian woman smitten with Prince William, the future King of England inadvertently wound up being delivered to the Clerk of Court of the Virginia County of Prince William.  Heres a link to the story. 

OK, I'm in the market to find a closer to work place to rent. Last night I went to look at this new place a coworker had referred me to - she shares the house with someone else. Acutally its a beautiful blue Victorian single family house located east of Tacoma Park. She showed me a picture of the house and yes, it is beautiful. What she didn't tell me was what a distressed neighborhood it is located in nor what chaos it was in; in and of, the living arrangements. It had every feature contrary to metaphysics, spirituality, and feng shui. Basically you could call it a hellhole of spiritual suicide. The one thing about it that I actually enjoyed was how one of the lovely cats immediately took a liking to me. As a matter of fact within 10 minutes of it meeting me, itwas sound asleep in my arms. Something the owner said it has never done. I think he may have been surprised by my sagacious comment that I believe they are our connection to another welkin or "the other side". Needlesstosay, I don't want to pursue a living situation there.  Additionally, the owner of  the house basically underwhelmed me.

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