Friday, March 31, 2006

Springtime Panda-monium!

Word of the day:  flat-hat \FLAT-hat\ verb: to fly low in an airplane in a reckless manner : hedgehop.

"The game of life is a game of boomerangs.  Our thoughts, deeds and words come back to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy."  Florence Shinn, Writer

Today was the 2nd day this year that I've not worn my coat to work.  It is one beautiful springtime day today.  Tonight, I'll do my drive to Bristol to check on my house, the springtime flowers, and spend some time with Jeff.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


I just had to run to Staples here in Bethesda at Wisconsin Avenue and Bradley Boulevard to buy some tabs for work.  Once I got to the counter, with purchase in the basket, I politely sit the basket on the counter for the clerk to ring up the contents.  The clerk looks at me and says since I'm the customer I'm "supposed" to hand everything to her.  Maybe!  If I wanted to, and offered!  But I've worked my ass off along with my colleagues this week, so I was too tired to hand everything to her item by item.   

I asked her to show me the rule in writing that customers were to hand everything to the cashier.  She said customers are supposed to do that.  For a moment I engaged in a deep pensive pondering about who was "supposed" to do what in this situation.  It was crystal clear to me I had, at minimum, done my part.  

So I asked the cashier to clarify for me whether or not that I'm incorrect in the presumption that she was the one being paid to ring up my sale.  She replied it's "courtesy".  I told her I agreed with her the situation could have been courtesy based had I OFFERED to do that, BUT, when she "REQUIRED" me to hand everything to her one-by-one, the act changed from my being courteous to her being LAZY.  I quickly let her know that,  eye-to-eye.   At that very moment, her manager happend to stop by the register.  I expressed to him my being apalled by her requirement.  I prefaced my dissatisfaction by saying to the manager "I'm not bitching, moaning, groaing, whining, complaining, nor the likes thereof.  I'm simply appalled at this young woman"  All the while I was saying this to the manager, she was doing her rubber neck Shaniqua act while the manager apologized.

I really dislike LAZY people.  They are UGLY!

Hypnotizing Cows. Charming Snakes.

Word of the day:  redux\ree-DUKS\ adjective: brought back.

"Three things in life are important:  The first is to be kind.  The second is to be kind.  And, the third is to be kind."  Henry James, Writer

Last night, after work I went to the Cyber Stop Cafe on 17th St. in Dupont and hung out with an aqcuaintence, Rick and one of his pals.  Somehow, we got on the silly subject of "hypnotizing Cows" and "Charming Snakes".  Neither of us were under the influence of anything other than life.  Now imagine this; sitting in an internet cafe on the sidewalk in Dupont Circle, (second in gay mecca's behind "The Castro" in San Francisco) and having a conversation about hypnotizing cows and charming snakes.  It wasn't long before we had a random huge crowd gather around us engaging in the discussion.  We had a doctor from Walter Reed Army Hospital, a legal secretary, a twink, and several others of various notoriety, excluding George.  He was busy with Dick over at 1600.  This conversation seemed endless.  It all started with the difficulty one faces nowadays in performing what seemingly would be the most elementary of tasks possible; buy a bottle of Diet Coke.

When cows become hypnotized do they see "freaky jeeky speckled stars and pink butterflies"?  Do they think they live in a Jovian Shangri-la?  Do they howl at the MOOn?

Maybe Gateway Computer would be interested in a "Hypnotized Cow" as their new mascot.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Chizzeling Little Crook.....

Word of the day:  redux\ree-DUKS\ adjective: brought back.

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back."  Arthur Rubenstein, Muscian

Arthur Rubenstein's quote to me is very very true.  In a sort of way like, Karma.  What you give is what your receive.  I've found those who don't follow, understand, or comprehend this philosophy are the ones who, from my own personal experience, characterize one as "cocky", "pompus", and self-centered/absorbed -- egotistical.  In actuality, they're simply loving and, returning love to, life.

This evening on the way to the Cyberstop Cafe, I was listening to NPR as usual.  As we all are quite aware, many municipalities have a gargantuan task of collecting parking fees from diplomats.  In New York, U.N. diplomats skirt parking fees.  In Washington, they do the same thing but, have a bit more difficulty, yet make every attempt to eschew civil liabilitities by not paying simple traffic infractions.  Parking tickets, moving violations, and the likes thereof.  Under law, these diplomats can claim "diplomatic immunity from the legal and civil liability" and most often it works.  However, the funniest thing I've heard regarding this topic was today on that particular NPR broadcast in which they were describing how London, England has a "congestion fee" for ALL cars driving into the central city.  The U.S. Ambassador claims he has impunity from this fee under diplomatic immunity as he claims the fee amounts to a tax which "diplomats" are exempt, under the rules of diplomatic immunity.  However, Mayor Livingstone of London disagrees and characterized the American Ambassador to Great Britian as "chizzeling little crook".  Clearly, Mayor Livingstone has no experience in the diplomatic corp, nor has inspirations to that affect.  ROFLMAO

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Paint and the Canvas of Life

Word of the day:  rigmarole\RIG-uh-muh-rol\ noun:  1. confused or meaningless talk.  2. a complex and sometimes ritualistic procedure.

"Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint on it you can."  Danny Kaye, Entertainer

WOW!  I learned the clearer pronunciation and spelling today of a word I thought may be spelled/pronounced "rigAmaroll".  I'm happy that I learned the correct spelling and pronunciation.

I agree with Danny Kaye in life being a canvas.  I've never quite analogized it as such, but have lived it on that basis; literally throwing as much paint on my life as possible.  Individually ,some colors were prettier than others but the beauty is in ALL the colors together.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Dwight! Did You Sing Dixie As He Died?

Word of the day:  Gotterdammerung\gher-ter-DEM-uh-roong\ noun: a collapse (as of a society or regime) marked by catastrophic violence and disorder; broadly : downfall.

"Either you  decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean."  Christopher Reeve

Honky Tonk has been a genre of country music I've found a considerable amount of joy in listening to.  However, it was not  Buck Owens who helped me find this genre.  It was Dwight Yoakam, who with his Appalachian roots caught my ear with the spunky sound and educated me that Buck Owens was notorious for Honky Tonk music.  At the time, I only thought Buck Owens had had only a few country hits and was most famous for his and Roy Clark's hosting of Hee Haw. 

The Heart Of Honky Tonk Has Stopped!
Buck Owens, who died early Saturday at his ranch north of Bakersfield, Calif., at 76, was on the crest of a late-blooming second act when he came to the Birchmere in 1989. One of country's biggest, most charismatic stars in the 1960s and early '70s, he'd stopped recording and touring for a decade before his No. 1 fan, newcomer and neo-traditionalist Dwight Yoakam, helped pull him back into the spotlight with a chart-topping duet of "Streets of Bakersfield."

It was in Bakersfield's blue-collar juke joints that Owens and his onetime bass player Merle Haggard had fine-tuned a hard-core honky-tonk sound informed by the energy and edge of rockabilly and rock-and-roll and defined by their authoritative, emotion-drenched vocals. Dubbed the "Bakersfield sound," it was a flat-out rejection of the smoothed-out, string-laden, pop-driven "Nashville sound" that ruled in the '50s as country music eschewed its rural roots to go uptown

My spiritual connections have surfaced again.  Last night as I was going to sleep, I was listening to WAMU, the local Washington, DC NPR affiliate.  There was this program which mentioned a group BR-5-4-9 who sang an old Hank Williams, Sr. song "Your Cheatin' Heart".  BR-5-4-9, was a number from Jr. Samples' skit on Hee Haw.  The announcer introducing the BR-5-4-9 group, misspoke it by saying BR-5-49.  I suppose the announcer acknowledged his nescience of 70's entertainment.  Was this the spiritual telling me to keep my eyes open for news about Buck Owens?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I Lost My "CASHED" Paycheck....Somewhere

Word of the day:  vulcanize\VUL-kuh-nyze\ verb: to treat rubber or rubberlike material chemically to give useful properties (as elasticity or strength).

"It's never too late to be who you might have been."  George Eliot, Writer

Today, I feel a lot of inner pain and sadness.  My life is beautiful but I would love for it to be time for me to be with mother.  I'm sad because I can't seem to get things like I believe they should be.  I make a very nice salary and have only nominal bills.  I'm always broke and I don't know where my money goes. 

Last payperiod I lost my entire paycheck, somewhere.  I don't know how or where.  It wasn't for party favors/supplies/ or any form of hogwash and waste.  It was over $2,600.00.  That was my bi-weekly take home pay.  My debts include $1,400.00/mortgage, $300.00/car, and $300.00/utilities,misc.  Where is my money going?

Jeff, my brother is so inconsiderate of me.  Completely disregards my health and welfare over himself.  I'm only an ATM to him.  A source of cash!  Why can't my brother treat me better?  Especially when he's been continually told over and over and over again and again; and, professes to understand my situation.  If that is truly the case, then he doesn't care what happens to me long as he gets CASH!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Snowy NASCAR Weekend in Bristol

Word of the day:  intercalate\IN-ter-KA-late\ transitive verb: 1 : to insert (as a day) in a calendar.  2 : to insert between or among existing elements or layers.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."  Plato (c 427-347 B.C.)

Boy! It sure was a hell of a weekend for a NASCAR race at Bristol Motor Speedway.  I've heard my mother comment that when it was snowing and the sun was shining simultaneously, it meant "the devil was beating his wife"!  I suppose if that is true, she sure as hell got one beating to remember.  It seemed like every season of the year was thrust upon us here in Bristol this past weekend.  The weather was so mercurial.  I use that word bot literally and figuratively.  There were times when it was "bite ass" cold.  For a few minutes here and there, it was sweltering hot.

I was listenting to a brief moment of NASCAR motor sports being broadcast on WMEV, a Marion, VA radio station and overheard the commentators stating this was the first time there had ever been a NASCAR race where it become a "white-out" blizzard like condition during a race.  They had had snow before and after races, and there had been the occasions where races had been called off because of snow, but never a heavy snowfall while the race was in progress.  One commentator, spoke of fans making snowballs and throwing them into the announcer's box.

Adult Bookmobile

Word of the day:  doggerel\DOG-uh-rul\ adjective: loosely styled and irregular in measure especially for burlesque or comic effect; also : marked by triviality or inferiority.

"Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions.  Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."  Mark Twain

I recall several weeks back, I was in Bristol for the weekend and online on AOL in the TriCities, TN M4M chat room and someone signed on who had a Winnebago for sale noted in their profile.  Given my commonly unknown propensity to take a comedic item and run with it, I did just that.  Dan, who owns the local Exotic Treasures Adult Boutique, had just inquired to me a question about his business.  To me, here was the perfect doggerel opportunity to let my comedian attributes shine.  I mentioned in the chat room: "Dan, get in touch with so and so.  He has a Winnebago for sale that we could turn into the local ADULT BOOK MOBILE.  Well, that has been the topic of laughter for several weeks now.  Last weekend, applications were being considered for shift drivers.  We had a young black man apply and a transexual.  Talk about diversity....we sure met our quota for that.  LOL.  The Adult Bookmobile tends to be fun.  Just how much FFun we won't know yet.  Maybe once we get the local ministers, preachers, mayors, city council members and ALL the other upstanding pillars (of salt) of the community involved, I'm sure the Thrill Mobile will "take America by storm".

Friday, March 24, 2006

Judge Brinkema and the Moussaoui Trial

Word of the day:  by proxy\bI 'präk-sE   acting for and thorough the authority and/or power of another.

"Character is doing what's right when nobody's looking."  J.C.  Watts, Jr.

الموسوي قال إنه اشترى جهاز راديو لمتابعة أخبار الهجمات داخل سجنه (الفرنسية)
أقر الفرنسي ذو الأصل المغربي زكريا الموسوي بأنه كذب على المحققين عند اعتقاله في أغسطس/آب 2001, وذلك بهدف السماح باستمرار التحضير لهجمات 11 سبتمبر/أيلول 2001.
وقال الموسوي إنه كان من المفترض أن يقود طائرة خامسة لضرب البيت الأبيض في إطار خطة هجمات 11 سبتمبر/أيلول، وإنه كان يعلم بأن طائرتين ستصدمان مركز التجارة العالمي في نيويورك.
وفي شهادته أمام المحكمة التي تنظر ما إن كان سيحكم عليه بالإعدام أم بالسجن، قال الموسوي وهو الشخص الوحيد الذي قدم للمحكمة بتهمة الضلوع في هجمات سبتمبر، إن "مفجر الحذاء" ريتشارد ريد كان من المقرر أن يشاركه كفرد من الطاقم في المهمة الانتحارية.
وقال إنه لم يكن يعلم بموعد الهجمات عندما ألقي القبض عليه يوم 16 أغسطس/آب 2001.
وقال الموسوي في جلسة جديدة لمحاكمته في مدينة ألكسندريا بولاية فرجينيا عندما سأله المدعي روبرت سبنسر ما إن كان السبب وراء كذبه هو السماح للعملية بالاستمرار، "نعم ذلك صحيح".
كما أقر الموسوي خلال استجوابه على يد المدعي بأنه اشترى راديو خصيصا لمتابعة نتائج عمليات القاعدة على نيويورك وواشنطن, داخل سجنه.
وقد ظل الموسوي (37 عاما) حتى الآن يصر على أنه لم يكن لديه علم بهجمات سبتمبر/أيلول, رغم إقراره بأنه عضو في تنظيم القاعدة, وبأنه كان مرصودا لموجة ثانية من الهجمات تعقب هجمات 11 سبتمبر/أيلول.
ويقول الادعاء إن الموسوي -الذي اعتقل قبل أسابيع من الهجمات- لو اعترف بحقيقة دوره في هجمات سبتمبر/أيلول 2001 لأمكن تفاديها, وهو ما يجعله يستحق عقوبة


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Some are Still There....

Word of the day:  esculent\ESS-kyuh-lunt\ adjective: edible.

"Iwould not waste my life in friction, when it could be turned into momentum." Frances Willard, Educator

Last night I drove by the clubs in SE.  Some were still in operation, The Follies, Glorious Health, Secrets, and the Pizza place.  It seems as though Heat may be closed as is the case of Club Washington. 

I was anticipating darkness.  Chilling.  March.  Springtime darkness.  Any sign of life to be gone.  Panhandlers transplanted to the next lucrative spot.  In a way I prepared myself for that, if, it were the case.  Within that preparedness, there was somewhat of a cold chilling ache, deep in my body; a sadness that part of the Metro-Washington, DC gay community may be dead.  A death by statute, law, ....eminent domain.  In a way it was like I was going to identify a body(ies) of a family member or loved one at the scene of a crime.

I wonder what everyone is doing now that used to work at Club Washington!  I've spoken to Ron a couple times and he seems fine.  But what about David, Derek, Flutie, Edwin, and  Peter?  I've seen Peter and he looks OK, but I've not been able to talk with him.

UPDATE:  Ron left a voice mail for me on March 24 indicating the judge had issued the eviction order granting the city of Washington, DC to take possession of the property effective April 4, 2006.



Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Poppin Fresh Dinner! My Dough Boy Days.

"THE GRASS IS NOT, IN FACT, ALWAYS GREENER on the other side fo the fence," writes Robert Fulghum in It Was On Fire When I Lay Down On It.  "Fences have nothing to do with it.  The grass is greenest where it is watered.  When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass whereever you may be.

Today, I read in the Washington Post about the lady from Texas winning the $1Million for her recipe for stuffing using frozen waffles in the annual Pilsbury Cooking Contest.  In her interveiw, she referred back to her childhood when she would spend time in the kitchen not being very productive other than making messes - big messes!  With her saying that, I reflected back on the time when my mother, who worked very very hard - at the level which I would be physically unable to sustain - had to work on a particular Saturday at the laundry/dry cleaner.

I wanted to relieve her stress and pain from such laborious toil so bad.  I knew that this particular Saturday she planned to come home after work and cook us a meal.  I wanted to help her out, so what I did was I proceeded to cook for her when she got home, she'd be surprised, not have to worry about cooking, etc...  She could just relax.  Well, I "attempted" (attempted being the operative word) to fry chicken, make gravy, mash potatoes, and make biscuits from scratch. I was probably all of 12 years old and knew nothing about cooking.  But I tried.  I truly tried to help mother out.  My help was a monstrosity of a MESS!  Chicken, Flour, Potatoes, Butter, EVERYWHERE and it all was a TOTAL disaster.  On top of this, I baked a cake too.  It all was rather non-esculent, the cake over run into the oven because I had filled the pans to full.  The chicken was burned.  The gravy was lumpy (like wallpaper paste) and the biscuits were sad. 

I remember so well when mother pulled into the driveway, I ran out to tell her I'd done something special for her.  .....I'd made dinner and supper.  I was so happy.  She donned this distraught look of excitement on her face.  She walked in the house to smell the burned food, and walked into the kitchen to see the MESS.  She was lovingly pissed. 

This memory brings back tears of joy, happiness, sadness, and innocense.  But most importantly and above all, it brings back love.  Love, something I never got much of, by the standards of popular practice. However, she gave me love that few others received...TRUE MOTHERLY LOVE!"

Tobacco Farming

Word of the day:  chouse\CHOWSS ("OW" as in "cow")\ verb: cheat, trick.

"A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience."  Oliver Wendell Holmes, Physician and writer.

I recall from my childhood when I was growing up on the farm; how important a successful tobacco crop was.  If the crop wasn't a robust crop it reduced the amount of money we'd earn from the Thanksgiving-Christmas sale of the crop.  The last I recall, tobacco  would sell for about $2.50/lb.  We were poor and to us, that was a lot of money when we had an allottment of about 2,000+ lbs. 

I'm glad in a number of ways that the tobacco industry is on the decline and its lobby is somewhat waning.  I believe it to be very harmful . I've taken notice of how turned my impression is when I see a beautiful woman, "light-up".  Instantly, every iota of my beautiful woman perception is gone in a flash and replaced with every description of "ugly".

In the area of Southwest Virginia/Eastern Tennessee, people are beginning to rethink what growing a crop is and how to be economically self-sustaining without tobacco.  I believe this to be good all. 

Jim Cozart, owner of Cozart Tobacco Warehouses, in Abingdon, VA and other local towns, in the past few years has converted his warehouses where tobacco was auctioned and sold to storage warehouses for corporations.



Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Another Example Of My Great Boss.

Word of the day:  pernicious\per-NISH-us\ adjective: highly injurious or destructivedeadly.

"Don't cry because it's over -- smile because it happened.

If I were rich, I'd drive one, or both of those two cars above.

My boss today continued to demonstrate what a "down to earth" woman she truly is and how she will roll up her sleeves and delve into the bottomless pit of hard work alongside her employees.  Today's example was how she joined all the staff of our group into a file room which has been the dumping ground of files for several years.  The room really looked like the corporate paper  dump.  Here's my boss, who is a bourgie Jewish woman from Long Island who earns nearly $1 Million per year and there she was sitting in the floor of this paper dump cleaning it up right alongside all  us other employees.  Impressive, eh?

Monday, March 20, 2006

A Redneck Woman Should Go To Washington

OK!  I was reading about Shirley Bailey in Saltville, VA standing up to the government when they are trying to usurp what may very well be her property.  She is trying to stop the local government from making a trail on an old railroad bed abandoned for probably more than 20 years.  The local government is attempting to quash and quell her protest through a civil action which is designed to reach any and all other citizens of the town to prevent them from exercising their First Amendment rights.

I've seen photos of this 51 year old Shirley Bailey and based solely on the photos I've seen, she would classify as a "redneck woman".  I place NO value judgments and remain neutral on if thats good or bad.  

All I have to say for Shirley Bailey is YOU GO GURL!  You fight until  your breath stops.  Teach those country bumpkin litigators with blood stains on their hands that you  have rights and you will not allow them to step on your rights.  No matter what.  Sobeit, if you  have to go to Washington (the U.S. Supreme Court).  You'll be proud you did and the precedence you set for others will be eternal.  Afterall, Washington needs a "Redneck  Woman"!  Anna  Nicole Smith (blonde bimbo) has come to Washington.  So has Jessica Simpson (dizzy blonde).  Even apes, (Mr. Smith) has come to Washington.  Its arguable that the apes still here are the most sensible Washingtonians.  So what would it  hurt to have a Redneck Woman come to Washington.  I think it'd be just what  the doctor ordered and most appropriate.  Especially, if you arrive barefooted, with a baby on your hips and smoking Pall Malls.


Le Printemps. Pimps & Hos. Ninety days. Lido.

Word of the day:  lido\LEE-doh\ noun: a fashionable beach resort.

"A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark."

Aujourd 'hui est le premier jour de printemps  Aussi, Aujourd 'hui, est le premier jour qui suit ma période de stage de Quatre-vingt-dix jours à mon nouveau travail.  J'écrirai un courriel qui dit à Randee Fowler merci.

For a number of reasons, I'm not too impressed with today's word being lido.  I'm not much of a "beach person" nor would I be typically attracted to a lido.  However, I do wonder if the Venetian island, Lido has any fashionable beach resort associations in its history.  This will be something I'm going to research to learn more about.  If I recall correctly, I beleive the Venetian island Lido, is known for its production of Lace.

Brooklyn, NY Based "Beastie Boys" seem to hold a popular sentiment about Dolly Parton's recent defeat at the Oscar awards. It is reported that The Beastie Boys think she was "robbed" by the Oscars when her Oscar nominated song lost to a song about Pimps and Hos. Personally, I think this win has had a rippling effect which has transversed the borders of all races, cultures, ethnicities, and artists. It appears as though, from what I've read in The Washington Post, that a large number of members from the black community are unsettled with a song glorifying, jubilating, and reinforcing negative stereotypes of black culture not only is nominated for but subsequently wins an Oscar for best song.


Sunday, March 19, 2006


Word of the day:  adversary\AD-ver-sair-ee\ noun: one that contends with, opposes, or resists : enemy.

My acquaintence/friend, Ron sure is a good man.  He's always been good to me.  He's lifted my spirits when I was down, been a protector and comforter,  made me consider the alternatives of issues, and helped me to accept my shortcomings. 

A few minutes ago Ron returned my phone message from earlier today as I  was driving back to Washington, DC from Bristol.  He informs me that Michael is becoming serious.  I'm very happy for Ron.  I hope Michael decorates his life and paints his love all over Ron's heart.  Ron deserves love.  He gives love when there's no more to give and most importantly, he gives love unconditionally.  Ron, you know I think you're simply beautiful, but your beauty is not just skin deep; your beauty is to the bone. 

Iwish I had someone to decorate my life.  I'm so fatigued from rearranging this furniture of life by myself.  Maybe one of these days, I'll be able to afford a personal decorator.  LOL

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Major Depression Episode

Word of the day:  interpolate\in-TER-puh-layt\ verb:  transitive senses:  1 a : to alter or corrupt (as a text) by inserting new or foreign matter b : to insert (words) into a text or into a conversation.  *2 : to insert between other things or parts : intercalate.  3 : to estimate values of (data or a function) between two known values intransitive sense : to make insertions (as of estimated values).

I think I've just figured out the answer to a question:  Given today's definition, I now know the meaning behind the agency, Interpol.

The last few days I've been trying to cope with a round of major depression.  I believe its roots lay within my inner conflict with the love of my new job here in Washington and my being homesick for Bristol.  I know that at the least that is a large part ofthe depression.  The other part is a small, very small, financial matter between and Sandy.  I'm worried deeply that I'll lose my friend because of it. I'm trying very very hard to satisfy this but I'm just spinning my wheels.  This hurts deep. 

Friday, March 17, 2006

Four-leafed Clovers

Word of the day:  doch-an-dorris\dahkh-un-DOR-is\ noun:  Scottish & Irish : a parting drink : stirrup cup.

According to legend, on a four-leaf clover, each leaf stands for something. One leaf symbolizes hope, one is for faith, another for love, and the fourth is, of course, for luck.   It is estimated the probability of finding a four-leafed clover  is approximately 1/10,000.

I recall as a kid, my mom and  I picking four-leafed clovers.  We would never let the cows into our clover fields.  Cows love clover so much that they would founder on it and die.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Choices: Life Evolves.

Word of the day:  nugatory\NOO-guh-tor-ee\ adjective:  *1 : of little or no consequence : trifling, inconsequential.  2 : having no force : inoperative. 

"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone."  Coco Chanel. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Ides of March

Word of the day:  ruddy\RUDD-ee\ adjective:  *1 : having a healthy reddish color.  2 : red, reddish.  3 British — used as an intensive.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Is This Feeling I Feel, Homesickness?

Word of the day:  scurrilious\SKUR-uh-lus\ adjective:  1 a : using or given to coarse language b : vulgar and evil.  *2 : containing obscenities, abuse, or slander.

I don'tknow exactly what it is, but there is something in deep in my soul that I'm feeling but I'm unable to identify precisely what this feeling is.  I know it has to do with the inner struggle I'm having with living in Washington, DC and wanting to reside at my beautiful home in Bristol, VA/TN.  I love my new job here in Washington, but I find myself driving to Bristol every Friday evening after work and coming back on Sunday evenings.  This, in and of itself, is taking a huge physical toll on me and my frame of mind, spirit, and happiness.  It seems as though I'm having the absolute worst luck in terms of finding favorable and affordable housing here in DC.  I DO NOT want to pay exhorbient prices for rent.  I don't want to have a large glamourous place.  I don't really want to live here in DC anymore, or at least for now.  I've not had good luck with the places I've had recently...specifically Geranium or the latest place.  They turned out like they have simply because of my rush to accept whatever was offered without careful consideration to my needs in whole.  Beginning today, I'm going to give this one more genuine good faith shot at finding a place.  The place is going to be either a rental in a private house or an efficiency apartment,  It'll have to be close to work.  Cost $800 per month or less, including  utilitites.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Shirley Bailey! YOU GO GURL! All the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary!

Word of the day:  jitney\JIT-nee\ noun:  *1 : bus; especially : a small bus that carries passengers over a regular route on a flexible schedule.  2 : an unlicensed taxicab.

Town officials justify the law suit for fear that the 51 year old lady or her fellow protesters “could turn violent.” Saltville economic development director Tracy Mitchell was quoted as saying that “We just don’t want violence” and explained that Ms. Bailey was “targeted” in hopes that it would “quiet other land owners and end the dispute over the ownership of the rail line.”

Could turn violent? Targeted? Quiet others? What kind of jitney professional history does this development director hold?

Since when is a hypothetical crime actionable? One might reasonably guess that Ms. Bailey is probably a royal pain in the butt to the town officials. But the words of the economic development director reveal a disturbing motivation behind the town’s action against this lady and her friends. This sounds an awful lot like intimidation to quash voices of dissent under the color of officialgovernmental authority.

The idea of public officials from the Town of Saltville trying to intimidate and stifle the right of free speech by filing a law suit that threatens financial ruin to a “targeted” individual with the express hope that it will “quiet others” involved in this dispute is fundamentally WRONG!

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Word of the day:  anfractuous\an-FRAK-chuh-wus\ adjective:  : full of windings and intricate turnings : tortuous.

Friday, March 10, 2006

What Home Means To Me

Word of the day:  fictioneer\ik-shuh-NEER\ noun:  : one who writes fiction especially in quantity and without high standards.

To me, my home is the place where I can feel safe, sound, loved, and protected.  I like my home to be lived in but remain neat, clean, and organized incorporating many elements of Feng Shui.  Some places are off-limits. If home is a refuge, the bedroom is the inner sanctum. 


Thursday, March 9, 2006

$10,000.00 Note: 1 of 15 In Existence.

Word of the day:  kitch\KITCH\ noun:  *1 : something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality.  2 : a tacky or lowbrow quality or condition.

A rare $10,000 bill is getting a new home. The bill - one of 15 large-denomination bills at a Chase Bank branch in Green Bay - was shipped to the bank's corporate archives in New York for safe keeping.  For me, a bank is the last place I'd store something for safe keeping.  I'd be afraid the bank  would steal it.  After all, they have a statutory license to steal.  Having a bank guard money is the equivalent of having a fox guard a hen house.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Prince William, Future King of England & The Victorian Rental

Word of the day:  sagacity\sa-gay-city\ adjective  1 obsolete : keen in sense perception.  2 a : of keen and farsighted penetration and judgmentsagacious judge of character.  b : caused by or indicating acute discernment:  sagacious purchase of stock.

What a "cute" article in today's Post...  A letter from a 20 year old Russian woman smitten with Prince William, the future King of England inadvertently wound up being delivered to the Clerk of Court of the Virginia County of Prince William.  Heres a link to the story. 

OK, I'm in the market to find a closer to work place to rent. Last night I went to look at this new place a coworker had referred me to - she shares the house with someone else. Acutally its a beautiful blue Victorian single family house located east of Tacoma Park. She showed me a picture of the house and yes, it is beautiful. What she didn't tell me was what a distressed neighborhood it is located in nor what chaos it was in; in and of, the living arrangements. It had every feature contrary to metaphysics, spirituality, and feng shui. Basically you could call it a hellhole of spiritual suicide. The one thing about it that I actually enjoyed was how one of the lovely cats immediately took a liking to me. As a matter of fact within 10 minutes of it meeting me, itwas sound asleep in my arms. Something the owner said it has never done. I think he may have been surprised by my sagacious comment that I believe they are our connection to another welkin or "the other side". Needlesstosay, I don't want to pursue a living situation there.  Additionally, the owner of  the house basically underwhelmed me.

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Coworker Update: Fire Death Ruled A Homicide

Word of the day:  blaxploitation\blax-ploy-TAY-shun\ noun:  1 Exploitation of the black race.  Reinforcing negative  stereotypes of the black race, its community and values.

This term "blaxploitation" was used this morning in The Washington Post's article about the Oscar winning song "Hard Out Here For A Pimp" and how it reinforced negative myths and stereotypes of the black culture.

Prince George's Investigators Say Fire Death was Homicide LANDOVER HILLS, Md. (AP) - Investigators in Prince George's County say a Landover Hills woman found dead in her burning apartment was a homicide victim.  Calita Williams was found dead early Sunday in her second floor apartment in the 44-hundred block of 68th Place. Police now say she was killed beforehand and someone set the fire to cover it.  Williams, a single mother, was set to graduate this year from Bowie State University. 
Friends last saw her alive Saturday night, when she went out to celebrate her birthday.

Monday, March 6, 2006

I Spent The Day Fending Off The Media/Press

Word of the day:  saltation\sal-TAY-shun\ noun:  1 *a : the action or process of leaping or jumping b : dance.  2 a : the origin of a new species or a higher taxon in essentially a single evolutionary step that in some especially former theories is held to be due to a major mutation or to unknown causes b : mutation.

Yesterday, a young, 27 year old college intern in my office is suspected to have died involving foul play in an apartment fire yesterday morning.  She had a 5 year old daughter, and was graduating college this Spring and had been given an offer of permanent employment at Reznick Group.  This is quite tragic.  She had a posperous and fruitful life ahead of her.  Following is the cut & paste of the news story appearing in yesterday's television news:

Woman Dies in Prince George's Fire

Landover Hills, MD (AP) - One woman is dead after an early morning apartment fire in Landover Hills.  Prince George's County Fire and Rescue spokesman Mark Brady says the woman was in a second floor apartment in the 4400 block of 68th Place. Firefighters were called to the scene just after 6:30 a.m.  Brady says the woman appears to be in her late 20s. Her name is not being released.  The fire extended somewhat to the top floor of the three-story building.  Residents of three apartments have been forced out of their homes because of the blaze.